sam holland blurb

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anon: basically being besties with sam

yes omg

this would be so fun

you guys would pull pranks on each other and the boys

you would have like nerf gun fights

water balloon fights

and hide and seek in the dark

you would get along great with his brothers and girlfriend

he would always let you come over at 3 am just to talk

you guys would have like a "y/n and sam" day where its just you two hanging out every month

when he was nervous for like an event or something, he would always go to you for help

you were actually the main reason he asked his girlfriend out

and he was always there if a date didn't go well

he was also there if a guy was rude to you/stood you up

he was ready to kick ass

but you didnt let him use bby boy is soft

best friend!sam is the best sam ok???

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