Shawn Mendes imagine

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pairing: Shawn Mendes x fem!reader

warnings: jealousy and s lil bit of angst
(a/n i wrote this when i dodnt really mnow what angst was, just fyi)

word count: 483

a/n: I literally just got this idea. also this is super short im sorry

'I bet calum hood gives really nice hugs' she said, while scrolling through her instagram feed. her boyfriend, sitting across from her, immediately looks up from his phone, and eyes on her. 'what did you just say?'

'I said, I bet Calum Hood gives really nice hugs. I dont mean anything by it.' his eyes were an ocean of confusion, he didn't know why, but it made his stomach turn just a little.

'do I not give you great hugs?' he asked, now turned on the couch sitting to face her. 'babe, you give the best.' she turned to make eye contact with him, putting a hand on his jawline, 'good.' he leans in to give her a precious kiss on the lips.

'I just think calum gives nice ones' he pulls away, clearly irritated by what y/n just said, she lets out a little chuckle 'oh my God Shawn, are you...jealous?'

'kinda!' y/n cant help but shoot her head back I laughter, 'why are you laughing y/n? this is serious!'

'no this is funny!' she brings her legs up on the couch so she is now laying down comfortably, and Shawn lets out a huff 'why are you even thinking about him right now?'

'im not! his post showed up and I just think he gives good hugs, thats all babe!' his face then went to anger, 'you follow him?!'

'so do you babe, so do you.' he grabs your phone from you quickly, 'what the fuck?'

'problem solved' y/n tries to get her phone from Shawn, but its a lost cause, he had his arm with her phone in the air, and it doesn't help because he is quite taller than her.

'Shawn Mendes, give me back my phone.' she simply states, hands on her hips, her hair in quite the mess. he couldnt help but smirk at the site.

'don't say it,' he held up his left hadn't with his first finger in the air, 'dont fucking say it.'

y/n stepped closer to him, so she was now chest to chest, looking directly up into his eyes, he was still holding her phone up in the air.

'Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, give me back my phone.' his face turned sideways, eyes squinted, 'I told you not to say it.

but y/n thought this was the funniest thing, her hand reached to Shawns right side, and began to tickle his ribs, he jolted in laughter, and couldnt help but bring his hands down.

she swiftly grabbed her phone out of Shawns grasp, but Shawn tackles her down the the couch. 'did you really have to tickle me?' he laughs out, 'I think it was necessary'

Shawn brings his lips to hers, in a loving kiss, 'I bet calum cant kiss like that' she cant but laugh, 'I love you shawnnie'

'love you too babe'

ngl im pretty proud of this.

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