5sos preference Luke and Michael

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summary: you tell your boyfriend you cant have kids

Michael (this is kinda incorrect but whatever)

you had always ad very painful periods, and you knew that something was wrong. so you finally decided to go see a doctor about it. 'hi, my name is y/l/n Clifford, I want to make an appointment please.' Michael heard you and walked up to you, 'is something wrong?' he whispered, you held your finger up to his mouth, 'menstrual pains, okay, yes the tomorrow will work. 8 am? got it. okay thank you so much, you too, bye.' you hung up the phone and sat on the kitchen counter.

'whats wrong y/n?' you pushed your hair back and sighed, 'I just have really bad period pains. thats all.' you kissed his cheek and he hummed, 'I love you wifey.' you chuckled at the nickname, 'are you still going to call me that? we've been married for almost a year.' he kissed your lips slowly, 'yes. I think its quite cute.'

you didnt want to wake Michael up, but he was such a light sleeper that he woke up when you got out of the bed, 'where are you going?' he asked, his voice was deep and raspy, 'I have that doctors appointment, remember?' he opened his eyes and got up, 'I'll go with you.' he kissed your cheek and ruffled his hair.

'okay mrs. Clifford, what made you come in today?' you ran your hands through your hair, 'well, I had always had very painful periods, and I would sometimes have very bad cramps before and after I got my periods. sometimes they would be so bad that I would faint, or get out of bed.' the doctor wrote down some things on her clipboard, 'okay, have they made you stay home form work? does it make sex painful?'

you looked at Michael who was a little scared, he always read his emotions on his face, 'yes, to both.' he tightened his grip on your hand, the doctor pulled up a chair and sat down, 'mrs. Clifford, I dont know how people haven't told you this sooner, but you have endometriosis. that is the cause of your pains.'

your breath hitched, endometriosis? me? 'do you know of any family members that have, or had this? it is typically a genetic illness.' 'well, I know that my grandma on my dads side had something, my mom never really talked about this type of stuff.' she nodded her head, 'well. there is two option, one, we can preform a surgery, where it will take away the endo for about 8 to 13 months, so if you are thinking about having children, I would do that, or, we can freeze your eggs, to make it to where you won't have periods. I will give you guys some time to think about it.'

she walked out, and immediately Michael pulled you towards his chest and kissed the top of your head, 'im sorry you have to go through that y/n, so so sorry.' you cried into his shirt, 'do you want to try and have kids? she said we can get it removed, and then try to get pregnant.' you wiped your tears, 'if its what you want, then yeah. I'll do it.'

he put his hands in your hair, 'I love you. so much, like so much.' you giggled, 'I love you too, hubby.'

the doctor came in a few minutes afterwards, 'so, have you decided on something?' you nodded, holding Michaels hand, 'we decided to get the surgery.'

Luke (mention of a miscarriage)

it had been two weeks, two weeks since you miscarried. you didnt want to get out of bed, you didnt want to talk to anyone. Luke had tried to talk to you, but he was broken too. he was busy playing with your other daughter, Cassie, when you got a phone call. 'hello? yes, this is she.' Luke looked over at you, with concern, but soon gave his attention back to Cassie, whom he was having a tea party with.

'hey, c'mere a second.' you said to Luke, 'okay, I will be right back princess, the queen is calling.' 'Otay!' she said happily, he walked over to you, 'whats up? something wrong?' he said, he put his hand on your cheek.

'I have to go back to the hospital, they need to run some more tests, I just wanted to let you know.' you wiped your nose, 'do you want me to go with you?' you shook your head and grabbed your things, 'no, you dont have to. this is the happiest ive seen you in a while.' you kissed him on the cheek, and he gave you a hug, 'I love you, you know that.' you tightened your grip, 'I know. but I love you most.'

you were waiting In the office, for your obgyn to come in. 'hey y/n, how have you been?' she shook your hand, 'I've been better, thank you.' she sat down in her chair, 'how's Cassie doing?' you sighed, 'we haven't told her. we didnt even tell her I was pregnant.' your doctor nodded her head, 'that is probably for the best.'

'I called you in today, because I wanted to see how everything was doing.' 'okay.' you said through a sigh. she did a few ultra sounds, took blood tests, and ran in and out of the room.

'y/n, this isnt going to be easy to sugar code, so im going to just tell you. your uterus is an in-hospitable environment.' you were confused, 'can you-can you dumb that down for me?' your comment made her laugh, 'it basically means, you cant have anyone kids. it is you body telling you that one kid is enough, you can still have sex, just you aren't able to have kids.'

'so, why did I get pregnant again?' she took her glasses off, 'that, was luck. but since your uterus is now sensitive, it rejected the fetus growing. this happens to alot of women, so you are not alone y/n.'

when you got home, Cassie ran to your arms, 'momma!' you piked her up and spun her around, 'hi sweetie! mm-mm-mmm I missed you!' she kissed your face, 'I miss you too! me and daddy had a tea party!' you carried her in the living room, and you see Luke and Calum sitting in Cassies play chairs, 'hey!' they both said, wearing glitter, tiaras and tutus.

'looks like you guys had fun!' you set her down and walked upstairs, you soon heard Luke follow, 'hey hotness, how did it go?' he kissed your cheek, 'good. I feel, a little bit better.' you hugged his middle, 'so, did they tell you why, it happened?' you hopped on the bathroom counter, 'apparently, I am an in-hospitable environment. basically, I cant have any more kids.'

you intertwined your fingers with his, 'but thats okay. cause we have Cassie, and I couldnt ask for anything more' you said through sobs, 'you are so strong y/n. I cant believe I got so lucky.'

ugh sorry this took so long

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