mob!tom blurb #3

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mob!tom x superhero!reader 

he walked into the room, and almost immediately the room got heavy. she looked down, as if she were ashamed. but she was scared. she had never been scared before, but this man, made her tremble.

'y/n, that is your name, right?' she nodded. he flipped some papers over in a file, and slid a photo across the table. 'you know who this is. don't you?' it was her father. it was the last happy memory of him that she had.

when she first discovered her powers, she was a little out of control. she destroyed so many things, when she was 9, she got mad and struck her father with lightning.

ever since then, she hasn't used lightning.

'where did you get that?' she spoke up, barely audible. 'it was in your bag of stuff. i need you to tell me, why did you come to stop us? that can get you killed, just like it did your father.'

she looked up slightly, her eyes were red. that meant fire. tom backed up a little bit, but he didn't let his guard down. 'you are awful, awful people.' she stated, her voice very shaky, and tom just laughed in response.

'its just the business, sweetheart.' he stood up, and made his way to the door.

'you have no idea what i am capable of, tom.'

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