tom holland blurb #9

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request: Could you write something for Tom Holland based off of/using lyrics of 'Rewrite the Stars' from The Greatest Showman? It'd be nice to see what you could come up with.

from toms p.o.v

everything. everything about her, is what he loved. he loved her smile. he loved her laugh, and the way her eyes lit up when she saw tessa.

but every single sign, showed that they shouldn't be together. all the paths were headed away from each other. i guess, you could say it was forbidden.

but tom couldn't help it, he even sometimes cried himself to sleep because of how in love he was (relatable) .

it was at the holland family christmas party, when he finally found it within himself to ask you out. but, you had brought a friend with you. a guy friend. I'm still gonna do it, he though to himself.

'hey y/n, can i see you for a sec?' he said, everyone else midnight heir business. you agreed and followed tom to where ever he was heading.

'i can't help but think, that we are meant for each other.' he blurted out, 'what?'

'y/n, i am so crazy in love with you. i cannot even begin to explain what i feel when i see you. that guy out there, jared? he isn't for you. i am.' tears were streaming down your face, you knew he was right.

'tom, i know you are right. i know that this is right. but i just can't right now. I'm sorry.'

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