calum blurb #27

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"cal, its me, open up!" you shouted from the other side of the door. almost seconds later, you were met with a red, puffy eyed calum. you never saw him like this, the only time you saw his emotions was when you guys were watching a movie, and he let a couple tears slip at the end of it.

"whats wrong?" you barely have time to get out your question before calum slams you against the entry way of his penthouse. "calum-" he cuts you off by putting his lips to yours, but you didnt want to do this right now.

"calum." "ssshhh" you try once more, "calum stop!" he stops what he is doing, he cant control himself, he just breaks down. his breath hitches, he falls against the opposite wall and slides down. "calum...breathe. you need to breathe."

you breath within, in through the nose and out through the mouth. "better?" he nods his head, and leans into your chest. you hold him there, with one arm around his back, rubbing it soothingly, and the other around his neck, with your hand in his soft hair.

"can you tell me whats wrong?" "I'm fucking terrified and I don't know what to do or how to stop feeling that way, okay? I'm scared...I've never felt this. not with any other girl, you y/'re special."

your heart flutters at the compliment, but you know that you need to be there for him right now. "well, thats okay. to have feelings, its normal cal. and if you want to work this out, if you want to try a relationship, im all for it. cause have feelings for you too."

"really?" you hear him speak, very quietly. "really." 

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