tom holland blurb #5

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anon said: A Tom h one shot where the reader is at a bar and this guy won't leave her alone so she texts him to pretend to be her bf and he does and after he walks her home and gets a little flirty/cocky and they kiss? Thanks! :)

okay so this guy was flirting non-stop. buying your drinks that you didnt drink, touching your arm, complementing you, it was annoying. and tom was in the bathroom, so you decided to text him, and ask him to be your boyfriend, which of course he agreed

'who ya text sweet girl?' he said, in such a disgusting voice, 'my boyfriend.' and you were holding back a smile, you were looking all around the club for tom, when you finally spotted him, and he smiled, you mouthed a thank you.

'you ready to go home darling?' you pushed your hair behind your ear, and the guy looked at tome and laughed, 'this, is your boyfriend? c'mon sweetie he is like, twelve.'

your jaw dropped, did he really just say that?, tom got right in his face 'listen here, dick, I dont know who you think you are, but I will have you know, that i, can drop you in a second, so dont even think about it. and you are disgusting, flirting with her, touching her, you just cant take a fucking hint can you?' he was wearing a shit eating grin on his face, you grabbed our purse off of the bar, when you saw a glass of water.

you threw the water in his face, turned to tom, 'yeah. im ready to go.'

'thanks for saving me back there. that guy really freaked me out.' he ran his hand through his curls, 'of course, he crossed the line.' 'oh, and that speech! amazing, Oscar worthy.' he laughed and really straightened his jacket, 'huh, you really think so?'

'psshh, hell yeah. im surprised you haven't gotten one yet holland.' he smiles to himself, and bites his lip.

'well, here we are. thanks for walking me home.' you two said your good byes and you walked up the stairs, you dont know what came over you, but you ran down stairs and yelled after him

'tom!' he looked up from his phone at you, 'y/n? whats wrong?' you put yours hands on his jaw and kissed him, he was shocked, the paps probably got a photo, but he didnt care. neither did you. 'what was that for?'

'I dont know, but, do you want to spend the night?'

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