Chapter Nine

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Alright everyone this is when things really begin to get interesting for Kendall. This is actually one of my favorite chapters in this story and it's been building for a while now. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

The song above is "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin. The song will be mentioned later in the chapter so I figured I'd add a video for it. This is one of my favorite songs. This song has gotten me through many of my depression episodes. If there is anyone else out there who suffers like I do from depression then I highly recommend this song to you. 

As you all probably know by now, the picture above is our golden girl, Kendall. 


Chapter Nine

Disaster struck one week later. . .

Her dad's drinking has always been bad, but this is worse. While he may spend majority of his time at a bar or drinking at home, he took it to a much worse level. Kendall stared blankly at the homework in front of her. She lied on her bed trying to focus, but it was nearly impossible.

Not now. Not after this.

She thought things were getting better. She stupidly allowed herself to believe that maybe he could shape up. Only now she knows that it may never happen. For the past two weeks her dad has been focused on a big and very important proposal at work. A rich tycoon was actually coming all the way from New York to meet with the company her dad works at. Wanting to make a good impression, Kendall watched amazed as her father locked up all the alcohol beforehand. He wanted everything to be perfect for this meeting and in order to do that he had to be sober.

For two weeks Kendall allowed herself to believe that this could become a regular thing. If he put this much effort into staying sober for a meeting, then maybe she could finally convince him to get help so he could remain sober for her. She hadn't seen that type of determination present in her father for a long time. Kendall would wake up in the morning to find him with a full cup of coffee, scanning and editing all of the piles of paperwork before him at the kitchen table. She would go to sleep with him still working. Even when he wasn't working, he was working.

Filled with a newfound sense of hope, Kendall went on a cleaning binge. She usually cleans the bare minimum in the house because her father would just mess it up again after his next episode. This time though she went all out. She mopped, vacuumed, scrubbed, wiped, dusted, refilled, and cleaned nearly ever inch of the house. It probably hasn't looked that good since Kendall's mom was alive. It was as if new life was entering the house. Kendall opened the curtains for the first time in years and allowed the bright, warm rays of sunlight to enter the home.

Her own mood seemed to improve as well. At the retirement home, Carol's cough cleaned up and her friendship with Jared was strong once again. At school, things were also at an all-time high. Kendall's dance team went to competition and actually won second place for their school. The entire school was proud of the team. Shortly after that, Kendall received her midterm back from Mrs. Larson. The tests were handed out face down, so they had to flip them in order to see the score.

A wave of anxiety rushed through her as she stared at the back of the paper. Kendall glanced over to Justin to find him watching her. He gave her a thumbs up for good luck before gesturing to the paper. Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in order to calm her nerves. She opened her eyes and allowed the confidence and determination she so rarely exhibits, fill her.

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