Chapter Fourteen

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Hello, fellow Wattpaders! I hope you all have had an excellent few weeks. So, I am already in a serious Christmas mood. I've been buying ornaments and listening to Christmas music non-stop. Is anyone else doing this? Lol. I was such an Ebenezer Scrooge last year that I think I'm making up for it this year by going all out. Anyway, the epilogue for this story is taking a bit longer to write then most of the other chapters did. I have plenty of inspiration, just not a lot of time to write. I'll try and finish it soon though. 

WARNING: I'm going to be honest with you all. This story is going to start taking a sad turn and it begins with this chapter. It will pick back up, but I just want you all to be aware. I'm not giving out a trigger warning, but just know it is possible that some tears may be shed. 

Despite that, I hope you all enjoy the story and continue to read it. Looking at the calendar, it is my goal to try and upload the epilogue on Christmas day. We'll see how well that goes, but I want it to be done before the New Year that way I can spend 2020 working on some new stories that I have planned. 

~ Kaylee


Chapter Fourteen

Kendall entered the retirement village looking rested, refreshed, and energetic. She had a large smile on her face, and an extra pep in her step. Darrell had just dropped her off in his car and they had spent more than a few minutes making out until she finally tore herself away from him and entered the building.

She greeted everybody she saw as she walked past them in the hallways. Some people smiled and greeted her back. Others sent her odd looks and wondered what caused her good mood.

"You're certainly chipper," Jared commented as he walked in step with her.

"I'm in a good mood today." She brushed him off.

"Uh-ha." He mumbled not believing her. "So, it has nothing to do with this?"

Kendall looked over where he held up his cell phone. On the screen was her recently changed relationship status. Both she and Darrell changed their statuses to "In a relationship" a few days ago and they've been getting nonstop comments and likes since.

"Maybe it has a little something to do with that."

Jared smiled at her. "Well I'm happy for you." They continued walking. "Will I be able to meet this new boyfriend of yours?"

"You want to meet him?" She asked surprised. She hadn't expected Jared to want to meet Darrell. They are complete opposites. The two of them meeting could either be really good or really bad.

Jared shrugged. "Why not? We're good friends. I may as well meet the guy that makes you look like a five-year-old who just got a new toy at Christmas."

Her mouth dropped open at his example. "I do not look like that."

"Sure, you do. It's not like it's a bad thing. You're happy. That's to be expected." They stopped in front of Carol's room. "Anyway, I gotta get going. Family dinner and all. I'll see you around."

"Bye," she called after him.

Shaking her head, she lightly knocked on Carol's door. She heard a faint, "Come in," from the opposite side and entered the room. Kendall froze in the doorway.

Kendall hasn't had time to stop by for a few days, but it's clear that a lot changed in those few days. Carol was lying in her bed in her pajamas with the sheets pulled up to her chest. She looked so pale. The veins on her arms and hands could easily be seen through her sickly skin tone. She must have lost a lot of weight recently too because Carol's pajamas looked like they were several sizes too big. Her hair looked like it had recently been brushed, but probably not washed for a few days.

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