Chapter One

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Hello everyone! I just want to start off by saying that I am so sorry that it's taken so long to upload this first chapter. This first year at my new college has been insane, and I also had a death in my family back in December which put me off of writing for a while. I'm back in it now though and I'm ready to start anew. I've spent the past few weeks working on notes for various stories I have lined up and I've been working on this one. I'm almost done with this one and it felt like a good time to upload it. I hope you all enjoy and I will be sure to continue throughout the summer. 

BY THE WAY: This is a companion piece following my story "My Lost Love." I would recommend reading that one before this one. It was make a lot more sense for you. Otherwise you may get slightly confused. Enjoy!


Chapter One

With the door closed behind her, Kendall leaned against it with a heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was sad, and angry, and disappointed. Also, strangely enough, she was relieved.

Recently if anyone had asked her if she saw her and Justin eventually getting married and having kids then she would have said no. She didn't see that in the cards for them. In the past she used to. However, for the last couple of months she felt this sense of dread whenever she thought of their relationship, and at least now she knew why that was.

Kendall couldn't tell if she was feeling more upset or relieved by her and Justin's breakup. If this was a TV show or a movie, she would be crying her eyes out on the couch and eating a pint of ice cream and other junk food.

Only this wasn't TV or a movie.

She wasn't a heartbroken girl drowning her sorrows in chocolate.

This was real life. Realistically, she was hurt about being lied to these past couple of years, but she wasn't heartbroken, which was almost weird considering that all of her feelings were real. Right?

Sighing, Kendall took the moment to study the scenery that surrounded her. Take out containers and trash littered the ground and coffee table. Empty beer and vodka bottles were in every nook and cranny of the living room. The amount of bottles was overwhelming. She had no idea how they all could have been drank by the same man.

Turning her back on the chaos that littered her life she took the stairs two at a time toward her escape. The locked the door to her bedroom behind her and allowed herself to breathe evenly with relief. Her bedroom was the neatest and most organized space in the house. In every other room, her father can destroy it with alcohol or his anger. This room . . . her room, it's completely and one-hundred percent hers. He is not allowed inside. It is the only room in the house that has yet to be tainted.

Only she fears it may not last.

Walking to her bed she placed the backpack on top of it to begin her homework. She had to be at the retirement village in a few hours and she needed to get as much homework done before then as possible. Noticing the math homework in her back she placed the textbook at the bottom of her pile. Math was not one of her greatest subjects. She did well enough on the homework, but failed almost every test she took. Generally, Justin – who was amazing at math – helped her study for tests and do her homework, only now she would have to try and survive the subject on her own. Tearing her eyes away from the textbook of math equations, she focused first on her biology work, which she finished quickly enough, and then began her reading of The Catcher and the Rye for her English assignment.

By the time she finished her reading she noticed it was time to leave so she put aside the remainder of her work to finish later tonight. Normally Justin would have come and picked her up to give her a ride, but after the events of today, she seriously doubted that would be happening. So after digging her bike out of the garage she was on her way.

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