Chapter Sixteen

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Hey everyone! I am drowning in final projects right now so I figured I would take a quick break and upload the next chapter for you guys. This story is so close to being done. . . I can feel it! There is only one chapter left and then the epilogue. I can't believe how well this story has come along. It feels like I just started it yesterday. Anyway, things will definitely be picking up for Kendall in this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and I will upload the next chapter once I have all my projects turned in. See you all then!

Also, up above is Jess!


Chapter Sixteen

Two days before Carol's funeral, Kendall got a call on her cell phone. She put the two tickets she had to graduation down on her nightstand and sighed. She didn't even remember why she bothered to order them. She wouldn't have anyone to give them to this year anyway.

Ignoring the sadness that she felt, Kendall picked up her phone and saw that Alicia was calling her. Confused by her sudden call, she answered, "Hello? Alicia?"

"Hey Kendall, I'm glad you picked up."

Only one week had gone by since Carol passed away. Alicia definitely sounded better than Kendall expected. She sounded sad, but she's up, moving around, and talking to people. That more then Kendall's been doing lately. Darrell, Jess, and Nicole had to practically bribe her with a never-ending supply of ice cream just to get her out of bed and to school so she would take her final exams. The school counselor, Dobie, had offered to give Kendall some recovery time before taking her finals but she told her counselor not to bother. Taking them in another week wouldn't make much difference.

"So, what's up?" Kendall asked feeling awkward by the out of the blue conversation.

"Well our family lawyer called me to go over grandma's will and he asked if I knew you because you're mentioned in the will."

Kendall's body froze at her words. "She mentioned me. Why?"

"I'm assuming she left you something. I don't know, but either way I'm supposed to meet up with him tonight so we can go over the will. Can you join us?"

"Uh sure," she said unsure. "When and where?"

"Washington Street Diner. Six o'clock." Alicia paused and then said, "I gotta go. The doorbell just rang. It's probably another well-wisher who wants to tell me that they know what I'm going through and that I'll be okay." Her voice sounded bitter as she spoke. "Anyway, I'll see you tonight. Bye Kendall."

"Bye." Kendall was still in partial shock as she stared at her phone in disbelief. Carol had mentioned her in the will. She left her something. She and Carol were so close, but she never even considered the thought that Carol would leave something behind for her.

She sighed at her thoughts. Maybe this will help her get the closure that she needed.


When five-thirty rolled around, Kendall started to feel nervous. She had never met with a lawyer before. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she knew her usual leggings and ratty shirt just wasn't going to cut it. She pulled out her cleanest pair of jeans and her nicest shirt. She definitely looked nicer, but the clothes didn't do much to calm her nerves.

After putting on her shoes, Kendall grabbed her phone, keys, and wallet before walking out the door. Luckily the Washington Street Diner was only a few blocks away from where Kendall was staying with Jess' family so she could walk there easily. The diner is actually a pretty nice restaurant. It's inexpensive and has some of the best food in town. The owners know just about everyone and are always open to supporting the local school teams and Kids Inc programs that are in the area.

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