Chapter Twelve

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Sorry, I haven't been able to update for a little while. I've been crazy busy with school. Also I'm going through a bit of a change. I'm thinking of changing my major so the stress of that hasn't been helping my writer's block. I am working on the epilogue for this story though so hopefully it'll be up soon. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!


Chapter Twelve

"Wait, he just left?"

Kendall watched the confusion take over Jess's features as she drove them to school. Jess and Nicole returned from their trip a few days ago, and they immediately asked how her birthday was. Kendall blushed at their questions which got them intrigued. They demanded to know what happened, but Kendall was very confused by that day and decided to keep it to herself instead.

Every day they tried to get her to spill, and finally this morning, her dam broke. She told them how Darrell surprised her at the house with a packed picnic, the time they spent together at the park, the cupcake he brought her, and finally their kiss in the car.

"Okay, tell me exactly what happened?" Nicole demanded. Her hand stroked her chin as if she were a therapist trying to diagnose a patient.

Kendall sighed frustrated and repeated herself. "When we pulled apart, he said "I have to go," so I just left. I mean, how was I supposed to respond to that?"

"And he hasn't texted you at all?" Jess asked keeping her eyes on the road.


"Well maybe he was just nervous?" Nicole tried.

"Yeah, or maybe he just doesn't like me in that way," Kendall said saddened by the words. She didn't know how it happened, but over the past few months she and Darrell have become incredibly close. He's become her best friend. She doesn't know when her feelings for him started to become less platonic and steer toward romantic, but they did, and now that she knows about them, she doesn't want to deny them.

"Uh-uh, nope. No way!" Before Kendall could respond, Jess pulled over the car and turned to her. "I am not going to let you become depressed and mopey over a boy. Who is this girl in front of me? The Kendall Williams that I know has never been the type of girl to pine for guys who aren't interested in her. When you liked Justin, what did you do?"

Kendall thought back to her fifteen-year-old self. She had admired Justin for a while and liked him even before he become athletic and popular. She had already been a part of the dance team, but when he joined football, she tried out for the cheer team in the hopes that he would finally notice her. After one of their football wins, a senior threw a party and invited everyone.

At the party Justin had been standing next to the chips talking with Darrell and Lyle for most of the night. After hours of trying to catch his eye, she finally thought to herself, "Enough is enough." She walked to where he was standing and asked him to dance. Justin looked a little reluctant but agreed to the dance. They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. At the end of the night, Justin asked for her phone number, and he ended up asking her out a few days later.

"I made the first move."

"Exactly! You didn't wait for him to ask you out. You made the first move and got yourself noticed. Now that is exactly what you are going to do now."

"What do you mean?" Nicole asked from the back seat.

Jess wiggled her eyebrows mischievously. "I've got a plan."

My Unexpected LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon