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Hello fellow writers and readers! I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and Christmas. I know I have. I got box sets of the 5th Wave series, A Court of Thorns and Roses series, and the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy. I'm going to have a lot of reading to do in 2020. Anyway, I figured I would give my gift to you in the form of this epilogue. My Unexpected Love is officially done. I will now begin working on a few other stories that I've had planned out for a while. I don't know when they will be uploaded but I will keep you updated on the progress. Also as a side note, I have no idea if it actually snows in New London. If it does, awesome! If not, then please let me know and I will correct it. 

This is by far the longest chapter I've ever written. It took several weeks of going to campus 2 hours before my classes started just so I'd have a little time to work on it. The chapter is exactly 20 PAGES!!!!



Kendall woke up that morning groggy. At first, she pressed the snooze on her alarm clock, groaned at the obnoxious sound that disturbed her sleep and rolled over to go back to sleep. She lifted her pillow and put her head underneath it to try and block out the sun that lit up the bedroom. Her tabby cat, Crookshanks – yes, like the one in Harry Potter – was lying under the blankets beside her. Kendall could hear a faint voice talking within the kitchen. She couldn't hear a second voice during the pauses so she assumed he was on the phone.

The door to her bedroom opened, but she remained under the covers and pillow. "Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!" A familiar voice called into her room. Peeking out from her pillow, she saw a familiar tall, lanky, and pale figure standing over the bed. His red hair still had obvious bed head and he was carrying a tray with food and two cups of coffee on it.

"Is that for me?" She croaked.

He tried not to smile at the funny sound her voice was making. "Who else would it be for?" He asked. "I sure as hell ain't getting married today!"

Kendall smiled brightly at the reminder. She had almost forgotten. It was her wedding day. Dakota set the tray on the nightstand and sat down beside her. Crawling out from under her pillow, she sat up in her bed. She took the cup of coffee from him gratefully and her stomach growled hungrily as the food was sat down on her lap. Chocolate chip pancakes, fried eggs, and sausage links . . . her favorite.

Kendall moaned as she tested the wonderful food. "You're going to make some lucky guy very happy someday."

"Well, of course," he said in an obvious tone, "but how is the food?" He smirked teasingly.

Laughing at his innuendo, she couldn't believe her friend. The two met back on their first day at NYU. They met while in this college math class and became instant friends. She and Dakota have taken many classes together throughout the years and she has even double-dated with him and his numerous dates and lovers. He even planned majority of the wedding since he wants to be an event planner.

"So, you excited to finally be Mrs. Darrell Stone?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I am." Her response was honest. She was happy, excited, and really ready for them to begin their life together as a married couple. She was a little nervous, but nowhere near enough to call it cold feet.

"Just wait til tonight. That is when the real fun begins." He wiggled his eyebrows at her in a "bow-chicka-wow-wow" way.

She laughed.

"Anyway, I'll go shower and stop distracting you. Once you finish your breakfast, you will need to shower. Jess and Nicole will be here in an hour and Alicia will meet us at the salon with your dress. There we'll get your hair and make-up done and head to the park. I've talked with Justin and he swore to get Darrell to the park on time. I also called your dad. He said that the park and decorations are all set up for this afternoon," he finished.

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