🌻~ Can be clumsy

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Nole felt like every part of his body was exploding and imploding at the same time, his ankle and shoulder were twisted in such a weird angle the sight made him gag, and the pain was just torturous. He wanted so badly to just stay put and let his body relax, but he heard the sound of the giant getting up, which was more than enough to send him in panic mode. He desperately tried to get up, move away, hide, anything; but his body just gave up on him and after countless painful attempts he barely managed to lift his head and torso ever so slightly. He couldn't even get the fear out of his body by trying to escape, all he could do was let it condense in his throat in a suffocating bulge that he could only release with cries and shaking.

And then the moment he feared came.

The giant was crouching and looking down at him.

His body shook even more as he frantically tried to escape, his breath got caught in his throat and he almost started suffocating from the terror.

Adam had expected this reaction, but living it still managed to sweep him off his feet. How exactly was he supposed to deal with this?!

"Heyheyheyhey- hey, kid! It's alright!" He attempted to talk in a hushed voice to hide his own panic, only receiving stutters and gasps in response, this was bad. "Please- please kid, you're afraid and you don't trust me at all and that's- it's normal, it's fine. But- please for your sake, try to just- just breath and calm down. I'm- I'm not your foe and I don't have any idea of hurting you or something, just trying to help you is all. Eh- Come-come on, breath." Miraculously, the discourt seemed to have effect as the kid started breathing deeply and calming down, and only a few moment of breathing later, he looked up at the gigantic man and tried once again to move, this time barely sitting up before collapsing back down.

"Hey, don't- you shouldn't push yourself already!" He whisper-yelled. His hand almost shot at him, but he instantaneously stopped when he saw saw the tiny give a wide-eyed stare at the hand and flinch violently. "Alright, alright, uh, got it, no touchy. Don't worry."

And so Adam waited... And waited... And waited. Whenever the kid looked at him, he gave him a nervous yet sympathetic smile. After a while, the boy had finally calmed down and managed to get up on a sitting position, despite the pain his dislocated bones sent go his body. He was tempted to get up and leave, but he didn't want to risk getting worse, or anger the giant; plus, said giant always seemed sympathetic and friendly, and now was no exception. He warily looked up at him and tried to hide his fear, which worked. "Hey," Nole jumped up when he heard him talk again, only this time the atmosphere was a little lighter. "Are... Are you alright, kid?" He asked with a hint of concern; should he answer? Could he even do so? "You know... About your, uh, back, with that fall and all?" He tried to fill in the silence. With a lot of hesitation, he shook his head. "Oh- crud, should I get you a doctor for this?" Again, he shook his head, this time even more vigorously. Doctors for tinies were either other tinies -which had their city too far from here-, giant scary doctors, or the worst: veterinaries. Nole was definitely not eager to find out what kind of doctor the guy was talking about. He could relocate his bones easily, just as he did qo often, the pain would wear off on itself... Nothing to worry about. "Okay... Do you have anywhere to stay, parents, a house?" Geez, this guy was ready for an interrogatory, wasnt' he? But more importantly, what to say now? 'Yea I live in your walls and steal your stuff all the time'? Better spit at his face or make a death wish. He stayed silent for a while and...

"What are you, uh, going to do to me?" The words slipped out of his mouth, but he was glad they did; he wanted to speak so badly but his fear didn't help him.

"What... To do to you? Uhh, what? I don't know..." Adam was taken aback when he heard the kid's voice, but now was no time to think about it. "I- I mean, if you need to see a doctor I can take you . If you have a home somewhere I can help you get there. If you need something I can get it for you. You know, this kind of stuff. What else could I do?" With this awkward answer full of questions, it was obvious he was caught off guard.

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