He Said...

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As I rode, Yaria sailed across the clouds, I felt content. I was finally doing tge right thing, and I was happy.

I wasn't starting a war, or running away, or saying yes to Kronos. I was saving the one I loved.

He's going to be killed in battle, if I don't stop him. We can live on the run- like the good ol' days.

Except, instead of Annie and Thalie, I'd have him.

Now- don't get me wrong- I'm not gay. I'm Pansexual. Pansexual means- in demi terms- you can love anyone or anything. Most gods and godesses are Pansexual. They fall in love with Nymphs, bulls, and even bats... *Shiver*.

Just thought I'd give a little backround information.

Yaria whinnied, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yari, I know you aren't a chatty Cathy, bit can you not speak to him? I know he can understand what you say."

The beautiful pegasus nodded, seeming to accept his wishes.

"Thank you. I'll give you sugar cubes later."


About another hour later, the camp was coming into view.

"Set down in those trees." I ordered. "Make sure you stay hidden."

Yaria followed the command, and landed in a small clearing, right outside of camp.

"I'll be back soon. If I'm not by sunset, go into camp. They'll take care of you."

It was around mid day, Friday. Capture the flag. I wandered into the thick, forest, staying low to the ground, and looking for him.

My plan was to follow him until I am sure he is completely alone, snap a twig, to put him on guard, and step out of the trees- unarmed.

"Hey! Perce! Over here!" I heard a farmilliar satyr yell.

"Grover!" Another voice whisper-yelled. "Be quiet! You'll give away our position!" I silently laughed from my hiding spot. By know, the whole forest knew where Percy Jackson and Grover Underwood were.

"'Kay, Man." Grover said, putting his dirty hands up in defense.

"It'll be quicker if we split up. You go left, i'll go right." Grover nodded, and turned.

I had scouted the area while they were talking, and decided that this was my chance. I snapped a twig, allerting Percy to my presence. He raised his sword, his ears straining to hear.

Slowly, I raised my hands, and walked out of the shadows.

"Hey, Perce, long time no see..." I said, attempting a joke. His eyes were wide in alarm. "Look, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm unarmed. You're calling the shots."

"What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be on the Princess Andromeda?" Percy asked me, a skeptical look in his eyes.

"I left." I said, taking a step forward. "I couldn't take it anymore. I hate it. All the death, corruption, pain. I came here to ask a favor of you."

His eyes squinted, calculating my answer, probably. "What?"

"I want you to come with me." The shock was clearly shown on his face. "I want to leave. Leave the war, leave camp. I want to run away, and I want you to come with me."

It took several minutes for Percy to answer and get over his initial shock, but when he did, it wasn't exactly what I had hoped for.

"No..." He said, "I can't leave. I have to stay and help-"

"Percy!" Grover interupted, voice proud. "Percy! We got the flag!" Percy turned towards the direction Gorver's voice was coming from, but when he looked back toward me, I was gone.

He said no.

But he would still leave with me. Even if I had to take him.

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