❤️ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❤️

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We sat there for a while. Could have been seconds, could have been minutes. But it felt like hours. It was so quiet, I could hear both of us breathing. I wanted so badly to shake him and demand that he start explaining everything. But he said he would tell me, and I believe him. I don't really know why I trust Anthony so much. Maybe it's because in some way, he's like me. We both have our problems. But we both can find help from each other.

Finally, he took in a deep breath and I knew he was ready.

"I'm going to tell you everything, Roxie. Everything. Not just the things you can't remember."


He nodded again and licked his lips nervously. "When I first met Vincent, he wasn't like this."

"You mean a giant dick?"

"Roxie," he sighed.

"Sorry. Sorry, continue." I mutter.

He gave me a small smile. "Yeah. He wasn't this big a dick. He saved my life, actually."

I opened my mouth to speak, but then decided against it. I bit my lip and waited for him to continue.

"He was still in a gang when we met. He just wasn't as high up. He was dealing drugs and owed a lot of money to important people. When they came to collect, and he didn't have it they told him the next time he sees them, it'll be with a gun pointed to his head along with whoever was with him. He tried to get the money in time. He kept dealing. He didn't even take a cut for himself. He would never admit it, but I think he was scared to die. Isn't that ironic? That were dead serious, though. Too bad, I was the unlucky person to be with him."

My eyes widened.

"We were walking. I don't remember where, I just remember it was late. Two niggas came from behind us and grabbed me. I remember feeling the barrel of a pistol pressed against my head. Another nigga stepped out. He didn't even look at me. Walked straight over to Vincent and told him that if he didn't give him the money, they'd blow my brains out. I was scared, man. I knew Vincent didn't have enough. Vincent pulled out all the money he'd saved up and handed it to the guy. Everything after that happened so fast. Next thing I knew, there was yelling and the gun was pressed deeper against my skull. And then Vincent had a gun, and he shot the two guys that was holding me. They dropped, and I grabbed the gun that fell. We both aimed our guns at the nigga that threatened us. I didn't even see the gun in his hand. He aimed it at me, and fired, but I wan't hit.

I looked and saw Vincent laying on the floor with a bullet wound to his shoulder. I took that as my opportunity to raise my gun and shoot that mother fucker in the head. Three times. Vincent told me he couldn't go to a hospital. He told me to take him to a address and when I did, I met Alex. She helped him."

I was shocked. Who knew Vincent would take a bullet for someone else? Especially Anthony.

"So that's how you met Alex."

He nodded. "Yeah, that's how we met."

I nodded and bit my lip. "Okay."

After that, we all started hanging out. Me and Alex started getting closer. Vincent was getting more respect from the gang. It was going good. Eventually, Vincent asked me to join the gang. I was jumped in. I had said yes."

"I thought...Anthony you said he threatened your family. Not that you joined willingly."

He nodded. "Listen. Vincent was my friend. He was like a brother. We had grown close. So when he asked me to join to help him out, I agreed."

I shook my head. So he lied.

"Then me and Alex started dating. And a few months after me and Alex started going out, I find out that she had a sister."

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