♥ Chapter Thirteen ♥

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For the past two weeks, I ignored and avoided everybody. No teacher called out my name in class if I was texting or sleeping. No bitch stepped up to me. No nigga tried to hit me up. I wasnt with the bullshit.

So when Symone stepped up to me, looking upset, you can understamd why I was confused.

"Can we talk?" She asked, biting her lip.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "What?"

"I miss you. I hate that you keep ignoring me. Youve been through hell and back and I just want fo be there for you. But you wont let me. Roxanne, come on." She gently touched my arm. "You and me against the world, right?"

"Sorry. Just you." I began to walk away whdb she gripped onto my wirst and spun me aroubd, now looking angrier.

"God, could you please stop being a spitrful bitch? I mean, okay, your dad killed himself. Whatever, I get it. But, Shit, Roxie, this attitude is getting old and played the fuck out."

I shoved her away from me and she stumbled ibto a locker, hitting her head. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I said  each world slowly, carecflly. You dont know shit."

She smiled. "I know you're dax use to beat you." She took a step closer. "That you blame ypurself for your moms death. That your scared to feel. I get it, I do. But your not just grieving. Your bitching."

I didnt even know it was going to happen and she didnt see it coning. But once my fisf made contact with her face, I felt relieved.

"Roxie!"  I groanrd, heaeing him shout my name. "What the hell. Symone, are you okay?"

She nodded and Anthony helped her up. She looked at me, tears streaming down her face. She looked sad and upset and angry. I didn't even blink. I felt nothing. No remorse or potty or sympathy or guilt. Nothing.

"Roxanne, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I explained, throwing my hands in the air.

"Why do you keep blocking us out?" Anthony took a step closer and.pressed his hand to my cheek. I starex uo jnto his eyes, lost in his gaze. "We just want you to trust us."

"Trust you?" I pulled awag asbif he burned me. How could he exoect me to trust him, of all people? No, he must be out his mind. "I was raped because of you, and you want my trust?"

He shifted. "Roxie..."

"God, sfop callingg me that!" I screaming, punching a locker. "Just leave me alone. I will never trust you. Ever.  I cant. I trust my father morr than I trust you."

He reeled back as if I slapped him. Which I basocally did.

"You mean nothing to me. Stop thinking you can help me or save me. You can Burn in Hell. And while you do, tell my father I say hello."

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