❤️ Chapter Twenty-Six ❤️

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I opened my eyes and yawned, trying to stretch my arms over my head. It was quiet and the sun was shining in through the window. I rolled over, expecting to feel another body there. Instead, it was an empty space. My eyes widened, and I tried to catch myself but it was too late. I fell on the floor with a thump.

"Shit," I groaned, standing up and staring at the empty space. "Where the hell is...?"

I yawned again and sighed. The memories of last night came rushing back. I couldn't believe that actually happened. I mean, yeah, I'm sure it might have happened eventually. I heard vibrations and I turned my head slightly, eyeing the phone on the side table. I walk over to it an pick it up. Alex. Does she call every morning?

"Yeah?" I answer, scratching my head.

"Roxanne? Hi.."


"Uh, so is Anthony--"

"Actually," I cut her off. "I wanted to talk to you for a second."

She hesitated. "Y-yeah, sure. Okay. What's up?"

"There's something Anthony doesn't want me to know." I said, getting straight to the point. "You know what it is."

"I-I don't--"

"Please. Look, I don't remember much of anything. And whatever happened...I'm guessing it doesn't make Anthony look good. He'd rather wait till I actually start remembering instead of telling me. So I want you to tell me."

Alex sighed. "It's not in my place to say."

I rolled my eyes. "Who gives a fuck? I'm not even sure how I know you. I just need to know something."

This has been going on for too long. The doctor said that it was me. That I'm blocking out the memories. It's something people who might have gone through a trauma could do. Make themselves forget. And if that's the case I don't know how to make myself remember. And it sucks. Maybe I'm not going to like what I find out, but I have a right to know. More than anyone.

I wait for Alex's reply.

Finally, she speaks up. "Well...what do you want to know?"

I let out a sigh of relief and sit down on the bed. "Everything. But you won't do that. So first, tell me how we know each other."

"We don't. Not really, anyway. Somehow, you found out about me and came to meet me. We were at a warehouse and you were asking me a lot of questions."

The warehouse. That was when I had that flashback of Anthony and Alex.

"Questions, like?"

"Uh, like how I knew Anthony and Vincent."

"And...how do you know them?"

"I don't really want to have to do a repeat of last time," Alex stated.

"Just tell me that," I pleaded.

"Me and Anthony had a thing. We dated. I got word that some bad people were after me and Vincent helped me fake my death."

I nodded, slowly beginning to remember. "You told me that."


"But why? Why would Vincent help you?"

"Because I'm--" she stopped and sighed. "He had his reasons. Anthony thought I was dead. The night in the warehouse was the first we've seen each other in a while."

She started to explain everything, and the more she spoke, the more I remember. She reminded me of how we met and that she let me hide in the warehouse. I remember Anthony and Vincent coming in. Alex started explaining what happened to Anthony. I don't think she told me everything. Actually, I know she hasn't.

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