❤️ Chapter Twenty-Seven ❤️

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After a long night and relaxing morning with my best friend, all i wanted to do is crawl into my bed and go to sleep. Symone dropped me home. She even offered to stay, but I denied, telling her I just wanted to go to bed. I loved having a friend like her. She was the best.

The second I got home, my phone rang. I groan and pull it out, staring at the screen. Why is he calling me? I didn't answer. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a Gatorade. My phone rang again. Was he going to give up? Finally, after the fourth call, I got annoyed and turned my phone off. Five minutes later, there was a knock on my front door.

"You got to be fucking kidding me..." I mutter, pulling the door open.

In front of me, Anthony stood there holding his little sister's hand. It was so cute. He flashed me a smile and wave.

"Wassup, baby?"

"I--I, uh, what--" I stutter, surprised. So he really was with his sister last night.

"This is Charlotte." He beamed down at the little girl. She was so cute. She was maybe five or six and her hair was in these cute braids with bow clips at the end. He kneeled down in front of his sister, taking both her hands. "Charlie? Charlie, this is Roxanne. Remember I told you I had a nice friend named Roxanne?"

My heart melted. I wanted to grab my phone and record the whole thing.

Charlotte nodded and looked up at me, a shy smile on her face. "Hi, Roxanne. I'm Charlie."

I smile and pick her up. "Hello, Charlie! Come on in."

And just like that, I wasn't angry anymore.

Anthony closed the door behind him and followed me into the living room. I sat down on the couch, placing Charlie on my lap.

"How would you like some ice cream?"

She gave me a huge smile and her eyes lit up. "Yay!"

"Anthony, there's chocolate chip ice cream in the fridge. Bring out the whole thing."

He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

"So this is the adorable little sister!" I mused, pinching her cheeks. She giggles. "You like chocolate chip ice cream?"

She nodded. "Uh-huh! Ant always buys me ice cream." She looked around, eyes wide and then back to me. "Sometimes he lets me have ice cream after seven! Shh!"

I laughed and whispered in her ear, "Your secret's safe with me."

She gave me her pinky and I hooked it with mine. Anthomy returned with the ice cream, two spoons and a small plastic bowl.

"Where's my spoon?" I ask, eyes wide. I wanted ice cream.

"We're sharing, dummy." He walked over, planted a kiss on my forehead and then kissed Charlie on both her cheeks. She kissed both his cheeks in return. I smiled. His sister meant everything to him.

I can't believe Vincent would threaten that little girl's life. He can't be that evil.

He opened the tub of ice cream and started putting some in the bowl. When it was almost full, he handed the bowl to Charlie along with a spoon. She smiledD

"Can we watch a movie?" Charlie asked suddenly, looking up at me.

"Of course. What do you want to watch?"

"Nightmare on Elm street!"

I looked to Anthony an eyebrow raised.

He raised his hands up in surrender. "Ever since my cousin in Atlanta showed her that movie, she's obsessed with it."

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