♥ Chapter Sixteen ♥

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Vincent has been a pain in my ass for the past week. Me and Symone are good, but I haven't talked to Anthony since...well you know. I want yup talk to him, but I don't know what I would say. He's been keeping his distance too. Ignoring me in class, avoiding me in the halls. I kind of hate it. If he knew what I was going for him and his family, he'd be pretty damn grateful.

I try to ignore the disgust I felt as Vincent kissed me at my doorstep. My long-lost, very distant aunt was coming today to take care of me for a while. Don't know why. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

So anyway, here I am, standing on the top of my steps, with my lips attached to Vincent's. Ugh. It was like kissing a fucking snail. Or a worm. Something slimy.


Fucking great. Real fucking awesome.

Vincent pulled away from me and turned to face Anthony. He was staring at us in shock and anger. I noticed his clenched fists before he died his hands in his pocket.

"The hell is this?" He looked like he was having a hard time keeping his calm. "What are you doing?"

Vincent smirked. "Making out with my girlfriend."

I flinched and bit my lip. Do not hit him. Dont kick him. Keep all mean and violemt comments to yourself.

"Girlfriend?" He was staring at me now. "Roxanne, can we talk for a second?"

I paused. My eyes wandered over to Vincent. He didnt seem to have a problem. I gave Anthony a slight nod and folllwed him to his doorstep. He spun on me, looking pissed. I didnt know how I was going to explain this. One rule was to keep this to myself. I cant tell anyone about our deal, including Anthony.

"Your dating him?"


"You're kissing the guy who threatened the lives of my entire family?"

"Its not what you think," I pathetically whisper. "Im doing it to--" I sfop myself.


"Look, Im going to need you to trust me."

Anthony backed up. "Trust you? Are you out of your fucking mind? How can I fucking trust you when your fucking the guy who forced me to join a gang and ruined my life?"

"I'm not fucking him..."

He scoffed.

"Look, I have a perfectly good reason good doing this. I just can't tell you what it is."

Anthony laughed. "Oh my God...Your seriously just like everyone else. What was it, huh? What'd he offer you? A nice car? Some money? Or maybe you just liked the taste of his dick in your mouth."

I slapped him. "I'm doing this because I have to, you insensitive dick! You are such an ass! I don't like why I ever thought I could like someone like you."

He was shaking. "He threatened to kill my sister. He thretened my family. You know that. I told you that! How the he'll are you going to go date him?!"

"Because Im trying to do something right! All I've done is Fuck up our screw up or tin something!"

Anthony stood up and opened  front door to his house. "God, Roxie. I thought you were different. Turns out you were another slut looking for a good time."

I stayed silent as the door slammed in my face. Tears streamed down my face. I punched the door. Once. Twise. I wanted to punch Anthony for breaking my heart. I wanted to punch Vincent for ruining everything and any chance I had.

I should just forget it. Quit. Tell  Vincent to do whatever the hell he wanted to do. But I can't. it wasn't just Anthony and his parents on the line. It was his little sister. I couldnt let my feelimg make me so selfish.

I shook my head. "Let me tell him, Vincent!"

"No." I turned around. Vincent was right behind me now, his breath on my neck. "This was the deal."

"Please. He hates me. Just let me tell him."

Vincent was quiet. "Fine."


"Fine, okay, tell him."


"Yeah. Sure."

"Why won't you let him leave?"

Vincent stepped closer to me, his grip on my wrist tight. "He made his choice coming in. Your in till you die. He agreed. I can kill him right now. Then he'll be fred of the gang."

"No." I breathed. I shook my head."Can you go? I'll see you tomorrow. You've been around me 24/7 and I need a break."

Vincent nodded and kissed me. "Bye, ma."

He walked away. J knocked on the door and it flung open.

"What?" Anthony growled.

"Can we talk?"

"Bout what? Bout how you saying a nigga that raped you? Bout how you kissin on a nigga that tryna see my ass dead?"

I flinched. "Im doing it for you."

"Excuse me?"

"He told me if I dixnt help him with this big shit dealer, he'd kill you and your family. Said hed have yo dad watch yo ma get raped. Said hed make you watch him kill yo dad. Said he'd leave your sistsr hanging from a celing fan."

Anthony was staring at me. "You dead ass?"

I noddded. "Consence. I had to get in his good graces. get him to agree to meet a 'co. worker'. Got him thinkin I'm some kind of prostitute. Vincent wants him dead and Im the bait. He said if I did this, youll be free."

Anthony was shaking. "Hes maiking you fuck some rich nigga for money? Just so he can kill him?"

I nodded, crying. "Yeah."

"Not anymore."


"No. I'm not letting you do that shit. Not for me, not for nobody."

I looked down. "I don't have a choice."

"Yeah you do."

I looked up.

Anthony looked type serious and angry. Anthony cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss felt...amazing. I can't even describe it. When we  pulled apart, I was panting.

Anthony shook his head and gripped onto my hand. "Ima kill him."

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