♥ Chapter Nineteen ♥

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VIncen't room wasn't at all like I expected. I don't know why, but I expected naked pictures of women on the wall. I expected a messy room with shoes and clothes and guns scattered across the floor. I expected somethign a bit more...thuggish. But that's not what his room looked like at all. His room was painted a basic white. The walls had nothing on it except for a poster of Tupac and Biggie. The floor was clean. No clothes, no shoes, no mess. THere were no weapons in sight. It looked like a normal room. Which was weird. 

I wandered around his room, inspecting everthing. His bed wasn't made. There bedside table on it's right side. I walked over to it. There was a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and some dollar bills there. I tried to open the drawer, but it wouldn't budge. Why would he keep a bedside table locked? I tried to pull at it, but to no avail.  I sigh and look around. Maybe he had a key or something. I walked over to his closet and opened the door. THere were jackets hung up and shoes on a shelf. It was a walk in closet. I stepped inside and turned on the overhead light. I then closed the door behind me. I lookd on the floor, in the shoes and shoe boxes, in the pockets of his jackets and pants...nothing. I even climbed the top shelf (which was not easy, i fell twise) to see if he his hid something. THere was nothing. I walked out the closet and walked over to his desk. There was a shelf with books stacked there and a few papers and folders. He had a Apple Laptop on the desk, open and signed inn. I jumped on the laptop to see if there was anythign interesting. No saved documents, no recent downloads. He was frickin' clean, and it was pissing me off. There had to be something on him!

"WHat the hell are you hiding?"

I pulled up his email. Lucky for me, he was signed in, so i didn't have to try to hack in or something. I looked through his inbox but found nothing, and then I wented through his pam messages. Still nothing, I leaned back and groaned. 

"Wait a second...!"

Last year, I learned how to restore deleted messages and emails. I worked my magic and voila his deleted emails popped up on the screen. i began scrolling through them, looking for ones that seemed suspicious and important. I then found one that intriged me. The email was from a Jane Doe. Literally. JaneDough@yahoo.com

I opened it up.

Seven o clock, tonight. Abandoned Warehouse near Clark Rd. We finish this once and for all. Bring Anthony. I want to see him. Don't be late.

Who is this Jane Dough? I look at the date and realize that the email was sent this morning. Whoever it was, Vincent was meeting her tonight and he was taking Anthony with him. I needed to be there tonight. But I can't be at two places at once. I have to be with Consence at 8, and the meeting is at 7. I check the time. 5:59. I can go to there warehouse now. Whoever Jane Dough is, she's probably going to be there early. Maybe I can talk to her before Vincent and Anthony get there. I can talk to her, stay and listen in to the conversation for a little bit and go meet Concense. That's like killing two birds with one Roxie. :D

I undid my actions, which deleted all the recovered files and then x'd out of the browser. 

"Yo, Roxie! Come down!" I heard Vince yell from downstairs. I open the door and walk downstairs to see Vince and Anthony standing there, arms crossed over their chest, staring at me. I stare down at my feet until Vincent speaks up. "The dress is on the couch." 

I go and pick up a dress.

"Go up and put it on. It's what your going to where to Consence's. And pretty yourself up. There's a bag from Victoria Secret on the chair. Take it. Whatever's in there, wear it. Use it. You look kinda dead right now. "

I glare at Vincent.

He smiles. 

Rolling my eyes, I go upstairs and begin empting out the bag. A thong and strapless bra falls on the bed as well as this Vanilla fragranced perfume, this sugar-cane smelling lotion, and then a vanilla body wash. -.- I'm not having sex with this nigga if thats what he thinks. Tuh. You woulda thought.

I take a shower and use everything that was in the bag. I then put on the red and black thoing and the matching bra. I then slip on the red dress. It was a strapless dress that fell above my knee. It hugged my figure.  There was a short slit up the side. The dress had lace on the bustier part. It was a nice dress, and something tells me that Consence plans on taking it off. I shudder and roll my eyes. No. I'm not having sex with anyone tonight.

I put on the perfume and then put on the black heels. I quickly comb through my hair and curl the ends. Why the hell does Vincent have a curling iron in his bathroom? It's probably some girl he slept with. Shaking my head. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and then sigh. I guess it's time to go down.

I open the door and then slowly walk down the steps.

Vincent and Anthony look up at me. Vincent just smirks but Anthony's reaction is completely different. He turns to face me completely and his eyes go wide. His mouth drops open and he eyes me from head to toe. I blush and then bite my lip as I approach them.

"I don't feel comfortable in this."

"So what? You won't be wearing it in a few hours."

Anthony spun on him. "What are you talking about?"

"Consence thinks she's a prostitute. She has to play the part. You know what that means."

"No. You can't just send her off to fuck some crazy nigga! We can find another way." Anthony yells.

"No, we can't. This the best way. We send her in. They flirt, have some wine, whatever. They fuck. She kills him, and we're done."

This time, I look at him in shock. "I do what?"


"I can't kill him! Have you seen him? He's like two-hundred pounds of pure fucking crazy! And his bodyguard--don't get me started on him! No. You can kill him. That was the plan."

"Plan's changed." Vincent checked the time. "It's 6:25. Me and Anthony have to leave in about twenty minutes. You--" he points a me. "Taxi's outside. Tell him the address. It's going to be like an hour drive."

I nod. "Okay."

Vincent nodded. "You know that plan. He hands me a .22 caliber. Pull the trigger. Aim for the head. It's best if you set up barracades to his room. Make it harder for someone to come in, because once you kill him, people will come. Climb out from the window. Take the fire escape down two floors. THen go in through the abandoned apartment. People will think you went down the fire escape and ran. They won't check there. Stay there until I call you."

He hands me a burner phone. 

I take the gun. "Where to put it?"

Vincent smirks and hands me a strap. He then straps the gun to my upper thigh.

I roll my eyes and he pulls the dress down to cover the gun.

"I have to go call soemone. Be right back."

He disappears deeper into the house.

I look at Anthony, my eyes wide. I was scared. I really have to do this. I have to kill someone tonight.

"Anthony, I'm--"

He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. I respond almost instantly, wrapping ym arms around his neck and pulling him closer. When we pull apart, he rests his forehead against mine.

"You look beautiful, by the way."

I chuckle. "Thanks."

"You're not going to be killing anybody tonight. You won't be fucking Consence either."

"Why not?"

He sighed. "Because tonight, I'm killing Vincent."

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