Fell on me like a ton of bricks.

Now, at the time, it wasn't my money. But it was apparently going to be. And I could already spend it, a portion of it, without his permission, even. He'd kicked over funds from the money he earned on some of his investments, into accounts that I could draw from.

And just that, just the "scraps" from his table, came to more money than anybody could possibly spend in a lifetime--anybody like me, anyway. Unless I actually did decide to bail out the federal government or something. Which I could still do, because the investments I couldn't touch would keep kicking over insane sums of money every month.

I remember Kendall just freezing for a minute when Rick first said that thing about the federal salaries. And me looking over at her like a deer in the headlights. And then both of us not being able to even talk for a while, after that.

But then she shrugged said, "So, who wants ice cream?" And she was serious, too. She even hopped up, ready to head for the kitchen, but we all cracked up so hard she couldn't help but join in.

And then...we went and got ice cream. Cause that's how I decided to do things. I mean, we'd eat and sleep and love each other like we always had. Have ice cream in front of the TV with the fam after dinner.

And here's the kicker: being able to have damned near anything made me want almost nothing. You ever do that? I mean, when you finally have some money to spend and then when you get to the mall, you start picking things up...putting them back down. Picking things up...putting them back down.

I know you know what I mean. You're all ready to melt some plastic and then, suddenly, nothing looks all that great.

I know that's not what most people feel when they get that first big check. Ballers and stuff, I know a lot of them mess up that way. Because part of the thrill is the underlying danger of buying something so damned expensive.

How far can I go, you know? Can I really have this? Will God strike me dead if I buy this thing?

But there was no danger. I could have whatever the hell I wanted. I could have things I didn't even know to want--you feelin' me? That real expensive stuff you see on TV and go, "Why would anybody even buy that?"

But I swear to you, I couldn't think of anything I didn't already have. Nothing I'd been yearning for my whole life. No big thing I wanted to rush out and buy for the fun of it.

I know. What a dumb ass, right?

The only thing I wanted at the time was to make the trip easy on Kendall, which is why we took the plane and had a little suite and all that. Just big enough so she could go into another room and take a nap and not be disturbed by all the Ellen Show drama.

And then we had to deal with The Penninsula trying to give us the biggest room they had. Which turned out, in the end, to be what I was looking for. So...sigh.


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