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Let me just let Wyatt handle this herself...

I thought I was dreaming that my cell was buzzing. I hoped I was. Because I was all wrapped around my honey in bed and the covers were all roped around us both for reasons you can just imagine for yourself.

So of course, I did not want to be disturbed.

But I finally sort of opened my eyes and saw the damned thing had vibrated itself almost off the little table next to the bed. So I grabbed it. And saw "WYATT" on the screen.

That woke me right up.

I swiped and said, "Hey!"

She didn't say anything for a few beats, but I could hear her sort of shivering or something. So I started unwinding the covers, glad that Kendall was all floppy and doing that little bitty snore of hers.

The girl really slept once she drifted off. Maybe catching up after months of not being able to sleep when she was still in pain all the time.

"What's up? Where are you?" I asked Wyatt.

And she finally said, "I'm sorry. It's—did Rick call you?"

"Not that I know of."

She sighed and said, "God, I'm so ridiculous. Listen, never mind. I'll—"

"Oh, no. Nope. Speak to me."

I heard that little shiver again and then she said, "I just...I'm at the Love's truck stop by...by Casa Grande almost."

"What the hell are you doing there?"

Another long pause. And the sound of people going by, talking.

And then she finally said, "I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed and said, "I don't know. I can't—I panicked. I don't know why or...I know why but I'm just so stupid! I'm so stupid—go back to sleep, okay? It's not your problem."

"How am I supposed to go back to sleep with you out--wait. How'd you even get there?"

"A car stopped for me. He was headed here."

"Stopped for you where?"

"I was walking. On the frontage road."

"What the fuck? At this hour?"

"I know, I just—"

"Do not go back out there, okay? I'm coming after you."

She started to cry a little bit, but tried not to let me hear it. I could tell, though, by how husky her voice was when she said, "I feel like such a fool right now."

"Just have coffee or something, okay? And don't go anywhere! You hear me?"

"Do you know where I am?"

"There's only two of 'em down our way."

"It's by that...Arizona City exit. Or the one not far north of it."

"Yeah, I know that one. We used to stop there for breakfast sometimes on the way home from Flag. Stay put, okay?"

When we hung up I rushed upstairs, wrapped my arms around Kendall's little warm body and nuzzled and kissed her neck and shoulders until she finally stirred. Have to say I stirred a little bit, too, in my own way but let's not go there.

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