" welcome home Joonie!" Jin smiled to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I have news! Grandma will be coming over tomorrow and will stay with us for a few days" I said not making direct eye contact to Jin, which I did not regret, because out of the corner of my eyes I saw his face drop.

"your Mother is coming over?? seriously? her? out of all people, her. Why not your Father?" Jin said clearly angry.

"I'm not sure, but she is staying for a few days so please, be nice, even if it is for a day I'll be happy" I heard Jin grumbling a 'I'll think about it, but if shes being annoying or insulting my kids ima kill her'.

I chuckled at that but smiled nonetheless because at least he is gonna try.


"Ok Mom, Dad he's here!" I smiled at my boyfriend as I opened the door to let him in. I gave Jin a quick peck on the lips before my parents could see and smiled. He smiled back and placed his jacket on the rack. My parents soon came out from the kitchen after preparing dinner. I had told them a friend would be coming over for dinner tonight and said I had to tell them something important.

"hello Mr, and Mrs Kim" Jin smiled politely.

"Ah! Jin welcome in, come in, come in, it's awfully cold outside" Jin smiled as I closed the door behind him after he moved forward since he was half inside, half outside. We walked into the kitchen which dinner was already set on. My Mother had made spaghetti cause it was the first thing she could think of.

Once everyone had sat down I looked at Jin who was sitting beside me, I gave a slight nod, which he confidently returned. I took a deep breath before turning back to my parents confused gaze.

"Mom, Dad this is my.. my boyfriend Jin, we have been dating secretly for the past few months" I looked at Jin whilst saying that, scared of ow my parents would react. My father cleared his throat after a few seconds, catching both mine and Jin's attention. I didn't dare look at my Mothers reaction.

"Congratulations you two! I knew it would take someone special to match your personality Namjoon, and you've found that person" My Father smiled at Jin which he of course returned with happiness since my Father accepted our relationship. But his face soon dropped by my Mother's reaction.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! HOW ARE YOU OK WITH HAVING A FREAKING HOMO AS A SON!!!" My Mother screamed at mostly my Father than Jin and I.

"because he is finally happy darling! can't you see that?" My Father answered calmly. Since my Mother wasn't caring my Father dismissed us and allowed us to eat in my room whilst my Mom kept screaming. I sighed before smiling at Jin.

"at least one of my parents accepted us?" It came out more of a question than a statement.

"mmhmm no more hiding anymore" Jin said as he placed his head on my chest and sighed. "if only your Mother accepted us though, then it would be both of our parents" He chuckled which made me laugh a little.

"welp! can't please them all, can we?" I said kissing my boyfriend on the top of his chest.

"yea-" Jin was interrupted by my Mother creaming downstairs.

"I DON'T WANT A FUCKING SON THAT LIKES DICK!! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE GRANDCHILDREN NOW!?! HES DATING A FREAKING HOMOSEXUAL MESSED UP TEENAGER!! WHO WILL MOST LIKELY LEAVE HIM WHEN HES OLDER!!" Jin looked up at me and shook his head, reassuring me that nothing like that was going on. I believed him instantly when I looked into his once beautiful brown eyes, now full of hurt and sadness.

Soon enough his eyes were filled with tears and they soon fell one after the other. I kissed every tear that fell before kissing him lovingly on the lips. He of course kissed back and soon enough it turned into a heated make-out session with him on top of me, whilst our tongues battled for dominance. I let him win of course since he obviously needed it.


"babe?" I asked Jin as he turned the stove on.

"yes Namjoon?" He asked with a sigh.

"I bet you after a day she will leave" I smirked after his challenging eyes met my own.

"she won't even last a day" he smirked back before focusing back on the food.

"$20" I said.

"deal! but don't be a sore loser when the money is mine"

"pfft as if!" I replied with an eye roll.

"what if Grandma stays the whole time?" Yoongi butted in, with just as equal challenging eyes.

"You want in on this too?" Jin asked his oldest son. Yoongi nodded his head eagerly.

"deal" I said and me and Yoongi shook hands on it.

"sorry Dads but that money is mine! Grandma just has to last over a day and its mine muahahha" Yoongi said evilly as he walked out with a juice box. P.S. it was really hard to take him seriously with the juice box.

"Dad! can you help me with homework?" Hoseok said as he looked at his book in front of him, placed on the counter.

"sure just go to my office, I'm gonna o change into something more comfortable" I smiled as Hobi nodded eagerly and ran upstairs to my office.

Gonna be a loooooooongg week.

2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now