A Request From A Friend

Start from the beginning

I lift my head slightly upwards, tears laced my face as I look out the window again.

"I'll bury those feelings to the back of my mind from now on. I'm content with just being his friend, someone who he can tell his inner most feelings to. I said it before and I'll happily take on that role..." I say to myself.

I then lay down onto the futon, I lay on my side and close my eyes. The tears still continue to come out. I cry silently until sleep slowly consumes me, that's when I lose my senses and the crying fades from my consciousness. The morning comes and wake up to the sunlight shining in, I get up and I have a slight headache and I can feel my eyes are puffy. I get up slowly and walk outside, the sunlight hits me making me squint. I head towards the stream in the village to wash up a bit. Sango and Kagome sees me and comes up to me.

"Morning_________, what happened to your eyes? They look puffy and swollen." Sango asks seeing my eyes.

"Were you crying?" Kagome asks me concerned.

"No, I guess I slept a bit too much. My eyes goes puffy if I sleep too much. I'm just going to wash my face at the stream, it'll cool them down a bit." I say with a smile.

"I see, first time seeing you like this. You must've been really tired last night. Take it easy today alright?" Sango says giving my shoulder a light pat.

"I'll be fine guys, you don't need to worry about me. It won't happen again." I say to them with a tired smile.

I then left them and went to the stream to wash my face. I run the cool water down my neck to wake up fully, I then scoop a palmful of water and look at the clear water. I then slowly let it slip through my fingers back into the stream.

"It's alright__________, you still have less than a month till you continue your journey, if things work out between Sesshomaru and Rin. You can move on and hopefully find someone else to love." I say to myself quietly.

I get up and head back to the village, the day continues on like usual. Including the days that comes after. Without knowing, a week goes by, when suddenly someone comes to the village on horseback. He is accompanied by a few guards. He is a young looking man, handsome and dresses like a lord. He looks about the same age as Rin, that's when I realized that he must be the young Lord Kisho. He came earlier than he said he would, Kagome, Sango, Lady Kaede and Shippo greeted him as entered the village.

"It's nice to meet you again Priestesses, and nice meeting you Miss Sango and Miss__________." The young lord says bowing to all of us.

"We welcome you to our village Young Lord Kisho, what brings you here?" Lady Kaede asks gesturing him to the hut.

"I have come here to see the beautiful young miss that accompanied you all named Rin." He says with a smile.

We entered the hut and sit down, Kagome brought out the tea set and poured all of us a cup of tea as we talked about his visit.

"You say you came here for Rin, we didn't know that Rin has spent some time with you back in the village. We just assumed she went around the village everyday to look around and experience new things." Kagome says with a smile.

"Yes, sorry for not saying anything sooner Priestesses. Rin has captured my attention the moment I saw her, since then we have spent time together to get to know each other better. Before I knew it, I have fallen in love with Rin. I promised her before the departure that I will come find her in 2 weeks, I gave her a gold bracelet as promise. I have come here early than expected, The reason being I want to spent more time with her and hopefully help her figure out her feelings. She seemed a bit a indecisive on the day of the departure, but if I manage to help her figure out her feelings, I would like to take her back with me and marry her." Lord Kisho says with us with a bow.

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