44. Stay With Me

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"The deep night finally ends, giving into the bright dawn of tomorrow."

As I opened my eyes, I squinted as the sudden brightness flooded my vision.

Where am I? Is this heaven?

Ever so slowly, my eyes began to adjust to the light and I began to notice the details of the room. The wallpaper looked familiar before I realized that I was still, indeed, stuck in reality.

Then, everything hit me like a truck.

Despite my efforts to move my stiff body, I was unable to, with each attempt causing more and more pain. I hissed as I tried to sit up, my back feeling extremely sore, and my palms stinging as I shifted my weight onto them.

"Damnit—" I muttered as I examined my bandaged arms. Even speaking hurt, and I winced as another rush of pain washed over me.


I heard a familiar voice mumble weakly, and that's when I finally noticed the figure beside me. My heart seems to come to a complete halt as I locked eyes with them.

Your POV

"Lady Y/N?"

Perhaps this was a dream. I pinched myself on the arm to make sure, and I winced as I felt the sting.

This was most definitely not a dream, and I swallowed nervously.

As I glanced back at him, the both of us locked eyes. His dark orbs were empty, the usual twinkle gone from his eyes. His eyes were half-lidded with sleep, his raven locks messy. I seemed to have forgotten the ability to speak as I unconsciously began to gape instead.

He's awake.

He's looking at me.

He's alive.

Blinking twice, I averted my eyes before dipping my head.

"G-Good morning," was the only thing I could utter.

Ashamed, I was about to excuse myself before I felt his hand grab onto my wrist. Unable to meet his gaze, I could only stand there, waiting for his next words.

But nothing came as he pulled me towards him, and I suddenly found myself on top of him in the next instant. His hands wrapped around my waist, his head buried in the crook of my neck as he clutched onto me like he was holding onto dear life. Completely trapped in his embrace, I was unable to move.

"You're alive..." he whispers muffled. I nod slowly, not knowing how to respond.

Little by little, I slipped from his grasp, and he glanced back at me with a faint trace of betrayal on his face. I had expected this the moment he had awoken, but I was still taken aback. Especially by the amount of hurt that was visible in his eyes, and I felt a pang of guilt in my heart.

Softly, he scoffed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Right... I forgot about that."

A sad smile began to form on his face as he shook his head slowly, causing my heart to shatter. This was going to be much difficult than I had expected it to be. Yesung lowers his head, allowing his bangs to cover his emotions as he bit back his sadness.

"Yesung, I-"

"No, I understand."

He glances up at me, tears brimming his eyes as he managed a soft smile.

Don't look at me like that...

"You did it to save my life, and I'm... thankful..." he trails off as he averts his gaze. Sighing, he closes his eyes.

"Whether this would be the last time I see you or not—"

You swiftly cut off his words by throwing myself at him, crashing my lips onto his. His eyes widened as he was taken aback, not knowing how to react as he closes his eyes once more, a sole tear trailing down his cheek. He reluctantly accepts your kiss, unable to deny you until the very end. Slowly, you pull away and you smiled, wiping the tear away with your thumb as you gazed into his eyes lovingly.

"Y/N..." he whispers, dropping the honorific for the first time.

"Don't leave me... not like this..."

His voice cracks, his eyebrows scrunching as he mumbled his wish. You pull his head into your chest as you stroked his hair softly.


Planting a soft, feathery kiss on his forehead, you whisper in response,

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you forever."

Even when the skies come crashing down, when the world finally ends, I will be with you until your dying breath.

Because that's just how much I love you.

true end.

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