8. Date

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"Donghae? Is t-that you?"

You spun around and found a familiar face grinning back at you.

"Greetings, Y/N. Miss me?"

You slapped his arm. "My goodness, you almost gave me a heart attack! And how did you know I was going to be here?"

Donghae shrugged. "Just a hunch."

"Psh. Don't lie. Were you stalking me?"

"Okay, fine, maybe I was. I was already here when you and your butler left the household, and I knew you had forgotten our meeting. So I decided to follow you." Donghae gave you a small peck on the cheek, and you melted. "Please forgive me," he cooed.

"Mmm..." You smirked. "I'll think about it."

"No thinking, just act," Donghae smirked. This man-

Donghae, still gripping your arm, dragged you deeper into the alley and instructed you to pull your hood up.

"You'll love this," he said.

Nervously but surely, you followed him as he expertly maneuvered through the dark walls. You wondered how he knew about these places, for you have never been into these areas before, despite you sneaking out all the time. Before long, Donghae had led you to the top of a small hill that towered over the large meadow below. You were amazed at the size of it, how the yellow wildflowers covered most of the meadow like a blanket.

"Like it?" Donghae nudged you. You nodded, gaping.

"Is this another place you like to," you put in air quotes, "relax and unwind?"

Donghae laughed. "Bingo! Such a smart girl."

You blushed. "I'm really not—"

He cut you off by planting another kiss on your lips. "Shh. You are. And I'm glad I'm marrying such an intelligent lady like you." Your smile deepened, and you leaned forward for another kiss.

"So where were you going to earlier?" Donghae asked curiously.

"Uh, I thought you knew since you were following me?" You replied.

"No, I kinda lost you in the crowds, and I didn't see you until you ran into the corner I was hiding in."

"That's so creepy though! Stalking girls, hiding in alleys and ambushing them? Isn't that too much??" You fired back, trying to tilt the conversation away. Donghae laughed sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was just curious as to why and how you forgot about our meeting, and why going wherever you were going was more important than me..." Donghae pouted and you felt a bit of guilt deep in your heart.

"Oh... I guess I should be the one who's sorry, then. You didn't tell me when you were coming over, so I thought I might be able to go out for a bit, but then I completely forgot..." You admitted.

"It's okay, I understand. That was wrong in my part," he bit his lip.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Donghae asked as he laid down on the grass.

"Don't you have anything in your schedule today? You must be constantly busy..."

Donghae shook his head. "I sorted it all out and cleared out my schedule with my dad yesterday night. So don't worry." Donghae sighed. "I really wanted this date with you."

You turned away in embarrassment. "A-ah..."

"We don't have to do anything, really. Because your presence is enough for me, princess."

You felt your face grow even hotter at his cheesy words, with the words actually having an effect on you. He apologized immediately.

"Uh— was that too—"

"No, no, you're fine." Your eyes darted to him before averting your gaze again.

"So... tell me more about you," Donghae smiled. "How you came to become the beautiful woman you are today."

Blushing, you decided to start at the very beginning, with Donghae giving you his undivided attention, gazing at you lovingly.

"Oh, brother..."

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