21. Imprisoned

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You groaned as you tried to move your body. As you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a dark room. Your entire body felt sore and you were aching everywhere, and it didn't help that you had been sleeping on the cold, hard floor.

Your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and you were able to vaguely make out the details of the room.

Brick walls, concrete floor, and...

Iron bars.

Immediately, you bolted to the prison's door— not before realizing that your limbs were shackled to the wall behind you. You gasped as the cold metal dug into your skin as you struggled and pulled, successfully restraining you.

"No..." You collapsed to your knees as despair took over you. You refused to acknowledge this reality, you refused to believe that you were trapped and caged in here like a worthless creature that's only there to entertain.

You refused to believe that the one who had captured and imprisoned you was also the one who had so lovingly dressed you every morning.

Cecilia... why would you betray me like this?

Once again, your tears threatened to fall, but your sadness was quickly replaced with rage and hatred when you heard his mocking voice resonate through the room.

"Ah, my lady is awake."

You gritted your teeth at the statement, and your narrowed eyes dared to meet his.

The same peach-haired man, with that smug smirk that you desperately wanted to wipe off his face, glanced amusingly back at you. You felt your body shake with anger in your shackles, and how you wish you could just beat him up on the spot. He steps into the prison and kneels down to you.

"How are you feeling?" Leeteuk's words were sweet, dripping with honey as he extended his hand to stroke your cheek. You jerked your head away, refusing to let his filthy hands touch you, and he frowned.

But that frown was quickly replaced with another one of his fake smiles that seemed to belittle everyone under him.

"I apologize about Cecilia— I told her I wanted you in my room instead, but she had insisted in putting you here, against my orders..."

"I had to give it to her since she had successfully completed her mission. But don't worry, you'll find comfort soon enough."

You winced at the sound of her name, your heart shattering into a million pieces.

"So it was true... Cecilia had sided with you," you mumbled hopelessly, your head dropping.

"Yes, indeed she has."

You closed your eyes as you processed the entire situation, unable to fully digest everything at once. You sighed as you uttered the next word. Not to him, but to Cecilia.


Leeteuk lifted your chin, his touch delicate. You gulped as he gazed deeply into your soul.

"Because of love," he replied.

You blinked in confusion. "What did her love life have anything to do with me?"

Chuckling, Leeteuk's hands slid down to your waist and you trembled ever so slightly at the contact.

"Oh, it had everything to do with you, alright. But not anymore, because you belong to me now."

"Nobody will be able to harm you, not even Cecilia, nor will anyone be able to hurt you. I'm your true guardian, husband, and lover. We were meant to be, from the very beginning."

His soft voice and enticing gaze hypnotized you, and you felt your self-control slipping away with each passing moment. Thus, you couldn't bring yourself to push him back when he crashed his lips against yours.

Helpless, you could only submit to him and his desires— but even so, you will never accept his "love" for you, and returning it was out of the question. For he had gone too far and he was in too deep.

He could never be loved again.


Honestly, I don't think I was in the right state of mind while writing this 😹😹 But thanks for bearing with me either way :)

Some of you have been asking for more Yesung fics since there's literally nothing on here (sadly), so I decided to publish the extended angst one-shot that I wrote of him. It's titled "Paper Umbrella".

I've only published the first chapter and I'll admit, it's not the best work at the moment. I was debating whether I should actually publish it or not but anything for you guys!

So again, thank you so much for supporting my works. You guys really are the best ㅠㅠ 💙

고맙다친구! 🙏 사랑해요 😘

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