17. Spy

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Yesung offered to return in your place, so you won't risk getting caught or ambushed on the way. You had to go back to your household and inform your servants about the incident and the current situation and to make sure they were safe. It had already been two days, and surely the rumors would've already reached them, but you had to make sure that they knew and returned back to their homes.

"I'll go instead," he offered. "It's much safer that way."

So he quickly threw on his nifty cloak and pulled the hood over his head, concealing his identity from everyone. Hiding and keeping secrets was his specialty. As he unlocked the door to the household, he froze as he slowly digested the sight in front of him. The place was completely trashed— windows broke into, the curtains and drapes were torn, with scratches, prints, and dents marking the once spotless walls. Yesung scanned his surroundings cautiously, immediately figuring out the culprits.

Leeteuk and his army had come to search for her but to no avail.

With his hood on, he snuck into the building and explored every room. There were no signs of anyone being here. All the servants must've already evacuated after Leeteuk came and broke the news while searching for you. Yesung snuck into your room and as expected, it was a mess as well. Drawers were pulled out halfway, the bed's covers flipped and wrinkled, and shoe prints staining the carpet. Some of your belongings were even stolen.

Then he heard a loud clatter, and Yesung whipped his head to the door. Immediately, he ducked under your bed and watched as a pair of feet dashed inside.

"Who's there?! Come out now!"

Yesung stiffened as he recognized that voice. They walked towards his location, but thankfully they did not care to look and was unable to find his hiding place. Yesung monitored their footsteps intently as she checked every bit of the room except the bed.

"I swore I saw someone here..."

Then the sound of her opening the closet, and shutting it when she found nothing.

"Leeteuk won't be happy with this."


Yesung pursed his lips together, debating on what to do with this imbecile. This is not going to end well for her. They strode to the door without another word, and that was when Yesung made his move.

Smoothly, he rolled out and before they could even react, he struck their neck from behind. As they fell into a heap on the floor, unconscious, Yesung's eyes narrowed as he saw who it was.

It was none other than your own maid that dressed you every morning, Cecilia.

Yesung felt rage rushing through his blood. How can someone as twisted even be allowed to serve my lady? His eyes darkened as he thought about everything could've happened to you because of her, how she could've harmed you behind his back, and you would've been completely defenseless.

Mindlessly, he whipped out his blade and held it above her heart.

You don't deserve to live.

But he stopped himself right before he plunged it right through.

Cecilia is the only tie you have to Leeteuk. She must be kept alive for now, until you have more information about him.

His fist trembled as he slowly lifted the blade, and slipped it back into his sleeve.

"It won't end so easily next time," he muttered through gritted teeth as he left her unconscious body.

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