Here We Go.

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Before you begin reading here's some things you should know about this book.

1) It's rated mature for a reason. There will be self harm, sexual content, rape, heartbreak. If it says (Lemon) that means characters about to get fucking jiggy with it, so prepare yourself to become a cum guzzling slut. For those who don't wanna read it, skip it, you won't miss any of the plot.

2) As the story goes on, and the characters get older, they do says cuss words. I'm sorry I have the mouth, that makes Hidan seem like a saint.

3) You will notice that you guys start out as a 4 year old little girl. You are four years old for the first 3 chapters. Then you are 5. Then 8. And 12. And then you start hitting those higher numbers. If you can deal with being a child for just a few chapters, then you're in for some good fun.

4) YES parts of the story will have context from the actual series. NO the whole book isn't like that.

5) yes, I know that when Kakashi becomes a Genin, he leaves the Academy to go on actual missions.
In my story, you have until you're "last year" at the Academy to become a Genin. Kind of like Highschool. If you can get past this, then let me rock your socks off.

6) instead of making two separate books, I decided that I'm just going to make a Phase one, and Phase two, all in the same book.

7) Don't expect the Romance to start right away. It takes time. Love takes time. But when it gets there, it's worth the wait.

If you don't like the story, or the choices I make, then write your own! (But if you do write your own, tell me because I wanna read it! I love Kakashi okay? okay.)

Lastly, just enjoy the story. I worked really hard on it you guys, and I'm continuing to do so. Give me a little love, message me, comment. I don't care. I wanna know who's all reading, and I want to be friends with every last one of ya!

Peace out ya Kakashi scouts!

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