"Enjoy!" Kelsie says pleased with herself as she presents us with a whole cake, some strawberries and a massive bottle of sprite.

"Have you got enough food there?" Brooklyn asks amazed at how much food there actually is.

"Well we're feeding four now so that requires more food." Kelsie says making a joke.

"It feels so surreal." I say as I touch my stomach.

"Girls?" Kelsie's Mum, Helen says knocking on the door before turning the nob.

I quickly grab the tests which are still sitting on the corner of Kelsie's bed and shove them into my handbag just in time.

"I'm going out for the night ok? I'll see you three tomorrow. Make sure you behave." She says kissing Kelsie on the forehead before leaving us three alone again.

"Bye!" We all echo back to Helen as she walks down the hall.

"Well that was close." Brooklyn says sounding relieved.

"Too close." I reply.

After we eat and talk endlessly we start to lose track of time. Once we realise how late it is we wind down, getting changed into our pjs and jumping into bed. We share small talk as we slowly drift off to sleep.


I stay at Kelsie's for the next two weeks. I dropped into see Anne every so often and get some clean cloths but that's about it. I like being with Brooklyn and Kelsie because they know exactly what's happening and are able to support me. I want to tell Anne everything that's happening but I just can, how can I explain to her I'm pregnant and her sons going to be a father.

I'm awoken by Kelsie and Brooklyn huddled over me and I can barley make out their faces as it's still dark.

"What time is it? Why did you wake me up?" I ask still half asleep.

"Someone's here." Brooklyn whispers panicked.

"Who?" I whisper back sitting up straight in bed.

"We don't know? A car pulled up and we heard the back door open." Kelsie's says as they both start panicking.

"Settle down, it's probably just your Mum letting the dog in Kels." I reply getting up and walking over to the window to check who's car it is.

"Shit. Call the police." I almost yell but stop myself incase he hears me.

"What's going on Billy?" Kelsie asks panicking.

"Masons here." I say but it's too late as the bedroom door bursts open too reveal the devil himself.

"Found ya." Mason smirks leaning on the door frame.

"Leave her alone!" Kelsie yells. It's weird seeing her so confident.

"Shut up bitch." He says hitting Kelsie which sends her flying across the room.

"What the hell Mason? She's just a girl!" I yell not caring anymore.

"Does it look like I care?" He says back walking over to me.

Kelsie lies on the floor in pain as Brooklyn shudders in the corner of the room, thank fully out of site from Mason.

I look over to her and mouth the word 'go' before pointing over to my phone. She shakes her head at first staying silent.

"Brooklyn go!" I yell as she gets up grabbing my phone and trying to run out the door.

"You bitches are coming from everywhere!" Mason almost laughs as he pulls a knife out of his pocket and throws it across the room at Brooklyn. The knife slices past her arm making her yelp in pain as she rushes out the door.

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