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||Here the 2nd chapter guys hope you're enjoying it so far. And I realise that this has a lot of differences in their family situation compared to reality but that's just the way this story goes.||

"Wakey wakey." Dad says shaking me lightly.

"Dad!" I groan hiding myself back under the blankets.

"Come on, up you get. Breakfast's on the table and Michael needs someone to go to rehearsals with him." Dad says pulling back my covers.

"He's a big boy, he can take himself." I say still refusing to get out of bed.

"It would mean a lot to him if you could go, and maybe he could drop you off to see mum on the way home." He says obviously trying to bribe me as he fixes up his tie and grabs his brief case before kissing me on the head and walking out the door.

Eventually I dawdle down stairs and grab a bowel of cereal before walking back upstairs to have a shower. I change into my favourite outfit, some blue skinny jeans, a navy blue coloured loose hanging singlet and my black vans before putting my hair into a high pony tail and applying some clear lip gloss. Not being bothered about what I look like as I'm only going to a recording session with Michael than the hospital. I brush my teeth and spray some perfume on myself before grabbing my phone and walking down stairs.

"Ready to go." Michael asks muffled as he shoves the last piece of toast in his mouth.

"Nope." I say back walking out the door behind him. On the positive side, at least I might see Ashton again today.


We walk into the studio and I take a seat on the lounge across from the microphones, guitars and drum set while Michael sets up.

"Hey jacket stealer." That familiar voice says from just behind me making me jump.

"Hey." I say giggling not being able to hide my smile.

Ashton takes a seat at the drum set and I don't realise I've been watching him all this time until he looks up and gives me a cheeky grin making my cheeks heat up a little.

"1, 2, 3, 4." Ashton says tapping his sticks counting everyone in. They start playing and to my surprise they are actually really really good!

"Hey. You must be Billy." A blonde lady says taking a seat next to me.

"Hi, yeah that's me." I reply shyly as I don't have a lot of confidence.

"I'm Liz, Luke's mum. So what are you doing here?" She questions. Gee is everyone this nice around here? I think to myself before realising I still haven't answered her question.

"Michael bribed me into coming, he said if I came he would drop me off to see Mum on the way home." I struggle to get out and I think she is picking up on how nervous I am as she gives me a small reassuring smile.

"Oh.. Sorry to hear about your mum too." She says feelings awkward.

"It's fine." I reply trying to leave it at that.

"So are you still in school?" She questions trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, almost finished Year 12 actually." I sigh with relief because it's not long now until I'm out of that hell hole. At that moment her son Luke walks over to us, gives me a smile and a small wave as he hugs his mum making me slightly jealous.

"Ready to go mum?" He questions Liz. She just nods before getting up and waving goodbye to me.

I sit their awkwardly for a bit while Michael sorts out lyrics and things with the other guy I think his names Calum.

"Boo!" Someone yells from behind the lounge making me jump once again.

"You've got to stop scaring me." I say holding my heart.

"You've got to stop being such a scardy cat." Ashton replies flopping over the back of the lounge and taking a seat beside me.

"So what are you up to now." He asks sounding so cherpy.

"Just going to see my Mum." I say sounding a little down which he picks up on making him pout his lips a little.

"Ok, well if you ever want to hang here's my number." He says grabbing my phone from my hands and putting his name and number in my phone. I grab his phone and do the same before handing it back and smiling awkwardly at him.

"Well I better go, I think Michael's waiting for me. Nice talking to you." I say before getting up and walking out the doors.

"Bye! See you round!" He yells to me from inside as I turn around and give him one last wave.


"I saw you and Ashton talking again, and exchanging numbers might I add." Michael teases.

"Shut up you. He's just being nice." I say trying not to look at my brother because of the massive smile on my face.

"Your bands really good by the way." I add trying to change the subject.

"Thanks, I'm surprised you noticed anyone else since you were staring at Ashton the whole time." He teases.

"Michael you're not funny!" I say as we pull up at the hospital.

"I'll pick you up at 2pm ok?" Michael says.

"What you're not coming in? You haven't seen mum for agers. Why don't you come to see her anymore?" I say getting annoyed at his poor effort.

"Because it's hard. I don't like seeing her like that." He says looking down at the steering wheel.

"Whatever." I say in a huff slamming the car door and storming up to the hospital before finding mums room number.

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