Home Alone

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Billy's POV:

I get back to the house and it's completely silence. It already feels weird not having the boys runnings around laughing. I'll have to get use to it though since Dad always works late. I make myself some lunch before remembering I haven't called Ashton. I finish my lunch then head up to my room, grab my phone and dial Ashton's number.

"Hello?" Ashton asks not knowing who's calling him.

"Hey Ash." I say softly, sitting down on my bed.

"Hey baby, how are you?" He asks with a yawn.

"I'm ok." I reply softly.

"Just ok?" He questions me.

"Yeah, I just feel a little sick. I must've eaten something funky." I say with a little giggle as I rub my stomach.

"Well I hope you're feeling better soon." He says caring.

"Thanks me too. So what are you up to?" I ask changing the subject trying to keep my mind off how sick I'm feeling.

"We just got off the plane and now we're in bus. My bed feels so empty without you." He says and I can just tell his pouting at the other end of the phone.

"Aw, so does mine." I reply as I stretch myself out onto my bed which feels massive without him. That movement makes me feel sick as I sit up in bed grabbing my stomach.

"The funniest thing happened, Luke fully fell on his face as we were getting off the plane and everyone saw. We were all laughing so ha..." He cuts himself off realising I've gone silent on the other end.

"Billy, are you listening?" He asks but I just sit there silently as my sickness worsens.

"Billy?" He says dragging out the y.

"Hold up. I'll call you back." I say quickly before hanging up and rushing to the bathroom.

I vomit into the sink making it just in time. I wipe my mouth and get a drink of water to freshen up. I can hear my phone ringing constantly in the background. I steady myself then walk back over to my bed flopping down on it still shaking as I answer the phone.

"Sorry." I reply weakly.

"What happened?" He asks panicked.

"I just threw up." I say quietly.

"Really? Are you alright?" He asks as concern grows in his voice.

"Yeah I'm better now." I say feeling slightly less ill than before.

"Ok, I hope so. I'll talk to you later, we've got to get an early night but I'll call you as soon as I can." He says making me feel sad and empty.

"Ok, goodnight Ash. Love you." I say weakly.

"I love you mostest my perfect princess." He giggles making a smile creepy on my face.

"You're so cheesy." I giggle back.

Our conversation ends and I stay in my bed pulling my covers up. Being alone makes me realise how cold it actually is in my bed. Being sick I end up falling asleep early and quickly.

I'm awoken by what sounds like a car pulling up in the driveway. I just figure it's Dad so I don't pay any attention and try to drift back off to sleep. The next thing I know there's loud banging on the front door and someone trying to get in. I get up and walk down going to unlock the door for Dad when I remember that Dad has a key so it's defiantly not him. I freeze as my thoughts automatically jump to Mason standing there. I quietly walk back to my room making sure to stay quiet so he thinks nobody's home. Eventually he gives up and I hear his car start. I look out my window only to watch Mason's car skid off down the road.

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