I'm Sorry

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Ashton's POV:

I woke up early this morning and thankfully Billy was still sleeping because I think she could use some extra sleep. She looks so beautiful and peaceful while she's asleep. I wriggle out of the bed trying not to wake her. I walk over and open the blinds letting the warm sun hit my skin. I gather that Michael still hasn't come back yet because his bed is empty. My phone starts ringing so I grab it off the bedside table answering it.

"Hey Mum." I sigh with a bit of relief.

"Hey Ash, how's everything?" She asks having no clue what so ever of what happened last night.

"Not to good." I say speaking softly not wanting to wake up Billy.

"Why's that hun? Is everything with you and Billy still ok?" She questions.

"Yeah we're fine, it's just her that I'm worried about." I reply.

"Oh, so her mum isn't getting much better?" Mum asks oblivious.

"Um, she actually died yesterday." I say looking back at Billy.

"Oh my god. Is Billy ok? How's Michael?" She asks starting to panic.

"Michael hasn't come back since he found out and Billy is pretty devastated." I sigh thinking back to last night.

"You need to be there for that poor girl ok Ash?" Mum says starting to worry about Billy.

"Yeah I always will be here for her. I just feel so bad." I admit.

"You've got nothing to feel bad about..." Mum says but I cut her off.

"No. I knew it was going to happen Mum. Saje made me make a promise to her to not tell Billy how sick she actually was because she didn't want Billy to be worrying anymore then she already did."

"You made a promise and you kept it son." Mum says quietly taking in all the information.

"But all she wanted to do was say goodbye to her Mum and she didn't get the chance." I say as my voice starts to shake.

"Ash?" Billy says with a soft voice as I feel her presents behind me.

"Mum I've got to go." I say quickly before hanging up the phone and turning to face Billy.

"Good morning." I say standing up to hug her but she puts her hands up to push me away.

"You knew all along didn't you?" She says shakily.

"I'm sorry." I reply in an almost whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She says not being able to look me in the eyes.

"I make a promise to your Mum and I didn't want you to become more hurt." I sigh knowing deep down I've done the wrong thing.

"Well now I'm hurting a million times more then I should be so your plan worked out real good." She says and the hurt in her voice just breaks my heart.

"I'm so so sorry." I say walking over to her to give her a hug.

"Can you just leave?" She asks calmly.

"But I..." I go to say but she cuts me off.

"Please Ashton just go." She says starting to cry again.

"I'm so sorry." I as I walk out the door and back to my room to be greeted by Luke and Calum.

"Man there's all these photos of you and Billy coming back to the hotel last night. It's all over twitter. How is she by the way." Luke asks as I walk through the door.

"Fuck off Luke." I mumble before going over to my bed and flopping myself down on it.

"We've got a meet and greet in half an hour." Calum informs me but I just ignore him.


Billy's POV:

After laying in bed for a while I start to feel absolutely awful about the way I reacted towards Ashton this morning. I just struggle to ask for and admit to when I need help. I turn on my phone to see if Mikey's sent me any messages only to be faced with thousands of tweets about me and Ashton leaving the arena last night. That's when a message comes through from Michael.

From Michael:

Don't worry about me ok. I spent the night in Niall's hotel room. Let the boys know I'll be at the meet and greet today please. Love you sis.xo

I realise that the meet and greets already started so it's pointless sending anyone a message. I log back into twitter before seeing a tweet from Ashton that he made a couple of minutes ago.


I'm so sorry 💔

I read it and feel like crying but I physically don't have anymore tears left. The door bell rings and I get up to get it.

"Are you Billy?" A lady asks me.

"Yeah?" I reply not to positive of what's happening.

"Here you go." She says handing me a bouquet of red roses before closing the door.

I put them on my night stand before taking a photo of them and upload it to twitter with the caption

"Thank you for these and for the last couple of beautiful/tragic days🌹"

People are starting to pick up on our tweets by now and everyone's asking questions and putting fourth their opinion. I'm even getting some hate from girls, which I'm use to by now but not coming from complete strangers.


"Hey sis, I bought you home some dinner because I know you don't eat properly when you're stressed." Michael says coming through the bedroom door.

"I'm so glad you're back! And thank you." I say embracing my brother in a massive hug.

We sit down and eat our dinner at the table straight away because I haven't eaten all day.

"Ashton told me everything that happened this morning." Michael says looking up at me from his meal.

"Yeah." I say not really wanting to talk about it.

"Give him another chance. For me?" Michael says.

"The other week you were telling him to get away from me and now you want us together?" I say a little confused.

"He was so down today though and you could see it. Even the fans were asking what was wrong, some were even crying because they just wanted him to be happy." Michael gets out.

"Why are you feeling sorry for him? It's our Mum who just died." I say getting a little annoyed.

"I know and he just wants to help you. When will you realise that?" Michael says to me.

"Where is this kid then?" I say letting out a little giggle.

"In his room." Michael replies as I get up and walk to his hotel room.


I knock on their hotel door and Calum opens it looking surprised.

"You after Ashton?" He asks me and I just nob my head.

"He's in here." Calum continues inviting me inside.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. Just leave me alone." Ashton says from his bed.

"I think you'll want to talk to this person." Calum says making Ashton look up at me as I give him a small smile.

"Thanks for the roses." I say standing at the end of his bed.

"My pleasure." He replies holding out his arms as I walk over to him before sitting down next to him being engulfed in a massive hug.

"I miss this feeling." He says smiling into my neck.

"Me too." I say softly

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