Why Me?

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Billy's POV:

"Are you guys coming down for dinner?" Luke asks from the bedroom door making Ash and I look up at him.

"Nah I don't think so man." Ashton replies back to him.

"Ok." Luke's says before closing the door.

"I'm sorry." I whisper looking up as Ashton as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No, don't be. I'm the one who should be I shouldn't of kept it from you." He mumbles into my hair.

"Thank you for the roses." I say.

"No problem, I needed to make up for it." He replies.

"You didn't need to make up for anything Ash." I say softy looking up at him smiling gently.

"You're so perfect." He whispers as he pulls my face closer so our noses are touching.

I blush at what he's just said as I play with his curly hair then we both lean in. His kiss is so soft and passionate it gives me the biggest butterflies I've ever had. Our lips move together in sink before we pull away and look deep into each other's eyes.

"Why me?" I ask softly.

"Because you can't help who you fall in love with." He says making me blush terribly as I look down at our interlocked hands.

"Ash." I say holding his wrists as my heart sinks.

"Don't look at those." He says taking his arms away and pulling me into a hug.

"I had no idea." I admit shocked.

"It was a long time ago don't worry about them." He replies pulling me closer to his chest.

"I'm sorry." I reply still a little taken back by what just happened. I had no idea, at least that explains why he was so understanding towards Hannah.

"Don't be." He reassures me.


We lay there in silence for what seems like hours before the boys get back from dinner.

"Who wants to watch some movies?" Calum says happily as him Luke and Michael burst through the doors and stop in their tracks when they see us.

"Hey you two." Michael says sitting on the edge of the bed looking at us.

"Hey Mikey." I say getting up out of Ashton's arms and sitting next the Michael giving him a small hug as he returns it.

"How you feeling?" He asks sympathetically.

"I'm alright, how you holding up?" I reply.

"Yeah not too bad. Are you going to come to the show tomorrow night?" He asks me giving me a smile.

"Yeah of course. And I promise I'll watch you guys this time." I add before he gets up and walks over to the other boys who've just put a movie in before I sit back down next to Ash resting my hand on his leg.

"Want to go join them?" I ask looking over at him.

"Not really, can we just stay here?" He pouts.

"Don't be the fun police." I smirk, poking my tongue out repeating what he said to me the other day.

Next thing I know Ashton grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto the bed and starts to tickle me making me laugh and wriggle around like crazy.

"Stop!" I manage to get out while laughing hysterically.

"Nope!" He smirks back laughing at my reaction.

"P-please!" I say not being able to breathe.

"You have to promise me you'll do something or I won't stop." He replies still tickling me and laughing.

"Anything!" I say as he stops tickling me.

"Really?" He grins cheekily.

"Really!" I confirm catching my breath.

"Kiss me." He smirks hovering over the top of me.

I crash my lips onto his and this time the kiss is rough but amazing. I pull away half way through the kiss and look up at him before hearing someone from the door clear their throat. Both our heads shoot up to see Luke standing there.

"Um...the movie has started." He says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before leaving the room.

"Guess we better go." I smirk as I push him off me and run into the living room to join the other boys.

"Well what took you so long!" Calum says with a smirk.

"Too busy locking lips were we?" Luke says to me as I flip him the finger.

Ashton finally surfaces from his bedroom and takes a seat on the couch next to me. He wraps his arm around me bringing me in closer as Michael looks over at us and makes a gagging noise making Luke and Calum laugh before diverting their attention back to the movie. I get bored half way through the movie and go onto twitter and I am bombarded with follows and tweets. I start scrolling down my feed and I've gone from 500 followers to 5k followers. I look threw the feed and start reading some tweets most of them are photos of me and Ash from last night asking who I am or what we're doing together. Then I come across a lot of hate comments, people calling me a slut or bitch. I feel Ashton's chin rest on my shoulder before his hand comes up and presses the lock screen button on my phone.

"Don't pay attention to any of that." He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spin.

The door of our hotel room opens as Liz walks in and her eyes instantly fix on Ashton and I snuggled up on the lounge.

"You all better be packed early tomorrow morning because we're out of here and back on the bus. Don't stay up too late either, remember you've got a show tomorrow night." Liz says with a yarn as she kisses Luke on the head goodnight before leaving.


"Bill." Ashton whispers in my ear as my eyes flutter open, I must've fallen asleep.

"Yeah?" I mumble.

"The movies finished, time for bed." He says sweetly before helping me to my feet and walking me to my hotel room.

"Where's Mikey?" I asks noticing he's not in bed.

"He fell asleep on the lounge and you know how angry he gets when we wake him up." Ashton says with a little laugh.

"Yeah. Well do you want to stay?" I ask looking up at him.

"Sure." He smiles as he walks over to my bed.

I take my contact lenses out and get into bed joining Ashton. He wraps his arm around me and I jump a little as his bare chest touches my back.

"Sorry, hope you don't mind." He says as I feel him smile into to back of my neck and I let out a little giggle.

I remember back to this afternoon in Ashton's room when I saw his scars on his wrist and without thinking I move my hand down to his arms and my thumb brushes over the old scars slowly.

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