Thoughts About Love

887 48 4

Started: 08-31-18
Finished: 08-31-18
Published: 09-06-18

"Love is both scary and confusing, but..."

"Tell me, what do you think of love?"

His highness had suddenly stopped me while I was on my way to the east wing of the castle.

His red fiery eyes met mine, genuine curiosity seemingly trapped inside them. What was I to answer? Surely I would be yelled at for questioning him, yet the look in his eyes urged me to speak.

"And why would the thoughts of a petty slave like me matter to your highness? My own opinions are less than dirt in this case, and they will only taint the purity of your ears."

He chuckled at my comment, finding this clearly amusing. With the roll of his eyes and a hearty chuckle, he proceeded to say,

"Just answer the question. You will receive no punishment for your own say, did you think that I was that cruel? Hah, laughable!"

"Though your highness is truly as intelligent as they say, you seem to be lesser than that at the moment."

My statement only aroused his confusion, his eyebrows raising slightly.

"Less intelligent? Whatever do you mean? Please do elaborate."

"Do not take it offensively, your highness. You simply state that opinions shall bring me no punishment, but what has brought the punishments of many of the slaves here? Opinions, questions, remarks, and comments. Simply those were enough to lead to their deaths, were they not?"

Then, to my surprise, he smiled.

"Then perhaps it is because you are different."

The simple remark had me baffled. Different? Whatever could that mean? I could think of many things, but none of them seemed to match his words.

I decided not to question any further, instead, I released a sigh and spoke my answer, my cerulean eyes staring right at his crimson ones.

"It's perplexing."


"Your highness asked me earlier what I thought about love."

"And you find it... perplexing? How so?"

"It simply is, your highness."

And with that, I bowed and left, continuing to my assigned duties.

Once I had made a turn in the hallway, thoughts suddenly jumbled my mind.

'Should I not have left until he had dismissed me? Would I be punished for that? And with what— whips, drowning, maybe I would be beheaded, or worse: hanged."

I sighed. I shouldn't be thinking like this. Plus, his highness did say that I was different...

'Let's trust his word, Kuroko,'

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