True Love

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Started: 10-16-17
Finished: 10-16-17
Published: 10-17-17

"If I were to define true love, I guess it would be..."

"Akashi-kun," the teal-head called out, walking towards the red-head

"I apologize for making you wait after practice."

"No, it's fine. Anyways, what did you want to tell me?" Akashi asked, even though he knew what was going to happen.

"Right, I guess I'll get straight to the point."

"I like y-" Kuroko spoke, his features calm- but no, there was a slight blush on his face, a slight blush that showed his emotions; and that blush made the emperor grimace.

Akashi knew that Kuroko liked him, that is what displeased the red-head; how Kuroko would just show his emotions, which resulted in him being-

"Weak." the red-head stated

Kuroko looked at Akashi, shocked.

"E-excuse m-" the phantom's sentence was cut-off once again.

"I detest the weak, simply because they cannot cope with society. They freely let people see their emotions, their weaknesses- it disgusts me." The emperor stated, glaring at the teal-head.

"It seems that you have nothing else to say. Shame, I wasted my time on this conversation." The emperor then left the teal-head alone.

Once the red-head left and nobody else was there, Kuroko broke down. Cries, sobs, and sniffs could be heard for about an hour. When Kuroko was finished, he wiped his tears and went home.

The next day wasn't any better for Kuroko; Akashi would constantly ignore him, he couldn't focus because of his lack of sleep, and people asking why his eyes were red wasn't helping either.

After a week, Kuroko saw the red-head again, only that he wasn't alone...





It hurts him to know that he wasn't the one to make Akashi experience all these. Well, what do you expect? He loved the red-head.

Oh sorry, let me correct myself.

He loves the red-head...and that won't ever change. He doesn't care if Akashi will never love him back, he'll just keep carrying the burden of loving him.

That's what love does to a person...

"a painful truth."

Tysm for the 200+ reads! Really appreciate it ( ◠‿◠ )

Also, updates may get slower than usual because of school, sorry! ( ̄▽ ̄;)


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