Should I Feel Happy or Sad?

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Started: 10-22-17
Finished: 10-22-17
Published: 10-28-17

"Should I feel happy that I can rightfully call you mine?"

On the phone...

"Sei-kun? What is it?" a certain teal-head asked.

"Tetsuya, can you come over to my house? I need to tell you something." Akashi requested of Kuroko as he was looking at a small box in his hand.

"Ok, I'll be right there." Kuroko replied

More than 30 minutes passed and the teal-head has not arrived yet. Akashi started getting worried, usually it would only take 10 minutes for Kuroko to go to Akashi's house from his.

Akashi then got a call from Kuroko, he immediately picked up-

"Hello?" a voice that did not belong to the latter spoke

"Hello? Who is this?" Akashi asked, clearly confused

"Are you related to Kuroko Tetsuya?" the voice asked

"Yes, I am his boyfriend." Akashi replied, wondering why he suddenly gave away information to some person he doesn't know.

"I see,...I'm sorry to tell you this, but Kuroko Tetsuya got into a car accident and is now at the hospital."

Akashi's eyes widened, he desperately wanted to drop the phone and cry, but he needed to see his beloved Tetsuya as soon as possible.

"Which hospital is he in?" the red-head asked, sounding as if he wasn't startled one bit. Afterwards, Akashi went to the hospital and asked where Kuroko was. Once Akashi reached the emergency room, a doctor came out.

"Where's Tetsuya?!" Akashi practically shouted at the doctor, earning a few stares from people around.

"Sir, please calm down. Are you related to the patient?"


The doctor sighed, but replied with "room 205".

Akashi hurriedly made his way towards the room. He prayed that Kuroko was alive and well.

He took a few deep breaths before gently pushing the door open. Akashi saw a pale Kuroko sleeping peacefully on the white hospital bed. He approached the teal-head, eyes teary.

"Tetsuya..." Akashi's voice cracked

Kuroko slowly shifted as he opened his eyes...

"Sei-kun?" Kuroko weakly called out

The red-head's eyes widened and he immediately went and hugged the teal-head. Akashi was crying as his lover just comforted him, a weak smile plastered on his face.

Akashi then remembered-

"Tetsuya,..." Akashi pulled out a small box from his pocket and got on one knee

"will you marry me?" He opened the box, a beautiful diamond ring was shown.

Kuroko had tears streaming down his face, this shocked the emperor

"Te-" Akashi was cut off

"Yes." The teal-head whispered, joy visible on his face. Akashi smiled and kissed Kuroko while slipping the ring on the latter's finger.

The two were happily savoring the moment,


everything has to end someday, right?

Kuroko suddenly felt immense pain in his chest, he grasped his chest as his breaths became faster.

"Tetsuya, are you alright?" Akashi asked, concerned. However, the teal-head did not reply. Akashi called the nurses and doctors, they examined Kuroko-

that was until a loud, continuos beep was heard.

Akashi's eyes widen as he stares at the now dead body of his beloved.

You'd expect Akashi to get mad at the doctor and nurses, but what's the point? It's not like that could bring Kuroko back to life. He did what most people would do-

He cried.

Unfortunate, it is. To think that he died on the day he got proposed to...

utterly tragic.

"...Or sad that nobody can have you anymore,...
not even me?"

I am so sorry that I wasn't able to update for the past days, I had writer's block. If you're wondering why the date I finished it is different from the date I published it (along with all my other chapters), it's because I like to have at least 2 chapters before publishing, so that when I publish I have an extra chapter in case I haven't updated for 10 days, so basically it's an emergency chapter...? (_?)

Anyways, I REALLY appreciate you guys reading my stories, it means a lot. I mean, I never thought that this book would get 500+ reads, tysm. *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*


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