To Namjoon

From Lisa

Kids?? How!?! you both are freaking guys!! How the hell is that even possible!! Also!! I never broke up with my partner!! He is a better person than you anyways!! Have a freaking nice life with your 'family' because it's probably fake as fuck!!

Out of rage a grabbed my laptop and threw it at the wall. I buried my face in my hands and soon enough heard the door to my office open.

"What was that Babe?" I didn't bother looking at him, honestly scared too, and pointed to my now broken laptop.

"What happened??!" Jin asked as he walked to the left over pieces of my laptop.

"She happened, she called our family fake so I threw my laptop. I didn't mean to but I was just so furious" I said finally looking up to see a teary eyed Jin in front of my desk.

"I don't care what she says! Our family is real and will always be real!" Jin walked over to me and hugged me sobbing slightly.

"Don't cry babe, her words aren't worth crying over, if anything she is fake." Jin nodded as he sniffled slightly. He broke the hug and looked down at me smiling.

"Well anyways dinner will be ready soon." Jin quickly pecked my cheek before walking out of my office once more.

"Is everything ok Dad?" Yoongi, who was once doin his homework looked up at his father curious.

"Yes everything is fine, Jin, I have to go to the shop I'll be home soon."

"Buy two just in case!" Jin yelled from the kitchen.

"Alright!" I smiled at Yoongi then left. I drove down to the electronic store and walked in. I grabbed two laptops and walked to the counter to buy them.

"That will be $1 295.99 Sir." I looked through my wallet and grabbed out my credit card I paid for the laptops and walked to my car. As I was about to enter a car pulled up beside me. The driver stepped out and just my luck! It's her.

"Omg hi babe!" She said as she walked over to where I was standing.

"Don't call me that you lying bitch." I replied harshly.

"Aww come on baby! You can't still be mad at me~ besides, where's this family of yours?" She said family as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world, ima best her fucking ass.

"At home doing their homework or playing" I replied opening my car door.

"When can I meet this family?"

"Never now fuck off I don't want to see you ever again, because I have a husband and children to get home, hmm I wonder what I'm gonna to do my husband when I get home.. hmm, I'm gonna kiss him and hug him and-"

"Alright! Alright! I get it... you're happy.." she looked down at her feet. She's changed a lot since I last saw her. She now has a nose piercing, more ear piercings, some tattoos and she even dyed her hair. I didn't even bother saying goodbye I just closed the door and started the engine. I soon enough made my way back home and inside. I grunted as I entered the house.

"Hey you're back! And just in time for dinner!" Jin said as he walked down the hallway. I didn't notice that someone has followed me home. The door was wide open since I didn't close it yet. I gave my Husband a hearty kiss. We soon broke apart and I closed the door, still being too stupid to notice the extra car in front of the house.

I walked into the kitchen/dinning room where everyone was eating. Jin took a seat next to Jungkook and I took a seat next to Hoseok. We all started eating until we heard a knock on the door. Jin excused himself and answered the door. Not long after he did Jin and HER!?! Walked into the kitchen.

"Why is she here?" I said, anger clearly visible in my tone.

"You forgot your wallet at the shop, you dropped it when we were talking, I was just being a decent person and returning it Namjoon." She walked over to me, my wallet clearly visible in her hand.

"Oh, thank you." I grabbed my wallet and stuffed it into my pocket.

"D-Dad? Who's that?" Jimin asked while hiding behind Yoongi's back.

"I'm an old friend of your fathers, don't worry." She smiled.

What is she...?

"HI LADY!! I TAEHYUNG!!" Taehyung smiled excitedly -as if he made a new friend- whilst standing up and waving his hand in the air.

"Hello Taehyung, I'm Lisa." Lisa smiled at Taehyung. Jin walked over to Lisa and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Lisa this is Jungkook, -points to Jungkook- that's Jimin behind Yoongi -points to Jimin and Yoongi- here is Hoseok -he ruffled Hoseok who was sitting in front of them, smiling- and you've met Tae." Jin smiled.

"Well it was very lovely to meet you all but I have a boyfriend to get home to, thank you for showing me your wonderful family and opening my eyes Namjoon, I hope you and Jin have a wonderful life together and that we could someday laugh at this and become friends." Lisa slightly bowed to me and smiled.

"You have a beautiful home and an amazing family, one day I wish I could have something like this one day, and I will stop being my old self, the one who two-times and try and settle down with just one guy" Lisa smiled before turning around to leave.

"Lisa wait, I'll walk you out." I said standing up, she turned around and smiled whilst nodding her head. I saw Jin smile while I walked towards her. I walked her to the door and opened it for her.

"Thank you once again Namjoon, and I meant everything I said before, I have actually been trying to stop my ways and I guess I just needed a little more motivation, the thing is, my boyfriend had asked me to marry him, but I didn't know what to do so I said I need time to think, which he understood and allowed me to, but now after seeing your family I think I'm gonna settle down for real, and start my own family. So what trying to say is, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I might of caused harm to your family, I'm sorry for the horrible things I have said, I'm sorry for everything that I ever did to you when we were younger, I'm just so sorry.." Lisa looked down in shame.

"Don't be sorry, if it weren't for the things you had done to me, I might of never fell in love with Jin and would definitely never of had my sons, so thank you for everything that you have done." I smiled whole heartedly to her which she gladly returned.

"One last hug?" She asked, reaching her arms out. I chuckled and nodded and accepted her hug.

"One last hug" the hug didn't last for long since Lisa got a phone call, she said it was her boyfriend asking where she was and that she had to leave.

Once she left I turned around to see Jin smiling at me.

"She's changed a lot since high school" he smiled as he walked over to where I was standing.

"Yeah She has for the better" Jin smiled as he reached the back of my neck.

"Finally no more competition" he smiled.

"There never was to begin with, my heart has opened itself to you, and you alone"

"Yeah, I know... mine too." After those two words we shared another hearty kiss before returning back to the beautiful family we can call our.

Gosh I love my fuckinf life!



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