“C’mon Paul, we got to go, get out before the crowd and get to the venue,” I say, practically bouncing in place, but slowly stopping when I see his solemn look. “Whats wrong?”

“We’ve gotten some bad news.”

“What is it? Do we have to change the venue? Are there too many people there?” I ask confused as to why I’d been pulled aside for this.

“No, we got a call from the First Lady. The president had a heart attack.”  I freeze.

“How is he?”

“He’s in surgery right now.”

“Does El know?”

“The First Lady said she called but she hasn’t answered. We’ve booked her a flight back home tonight.”

“Ok, I’m going to go talk to her.” With that he releases me and I head out the back. I see an all black car waiting reminding me of her plans to go to New York tonight. Well obviously that was going to change.

“Hey,” she says with a grin, rolling down the window. “Glad you came to your senses.

“Have you checked your messages recently?” I ask watching the grin start slipping from her face.

“No, it’s just my mom. C’mon, get in the car. Let’s go.”

“El, your dad had a heart attack.” She freezes, the shock registering on her face. “He’s in the hospital. Paul’s got you booked on a flight back to DC.” She pauses for a moment, processing my words.

“No, we’re supposed to be going to New York,” she says with a shake of her head and now I’m the one left in shock. Her dad was in the hospital and yet she still wanted to go to New York?

“No Elodie,”I say shaking my head. “Your dad is going to need surgery. I’ll come with if you want me to, but we’re not going to New York.”

“I’m not going home. I’m going to New York to finally have some fun! Are you coming or not?” She answers stubbornly.

“No!” I exclaim, shocked that she was even suggesting not going. “Are you out of your mind? Family comes first! No matter what! No matter how much you fight or disagree on something, you do not abandon them ever. I can’t believe you’re being so selfish. You are going home.

“No! Don’t treat me like a child! I’ll do what I want and I want to go to New York. Come with or don’t. I don’t give a shit anymore.

“Well if you don’t give a shit, maybe we shouldn’t be together any more.” The words were an accident but as I said them, I found I completely meant them. I cared for her, really I did. But I also knew that I couldn’t be with someone who only thought of herself. Her mouth snaps shut and her eyes narrow.

“Fine. Have a great life Mr Responsibility.” And with that the window rolls up and a second later the car starts forward. I’m left standing there, fuming. I couldn’t believe her. Good riddance.

“Hey mate, everything alright?” Harry asks as the boys all emerge from the back door, on the way to the cars to take us to the party venue.

“Yea, everything’s fine,” I say stiffly, straightening my back.

“Where’s Elodie?” Lauren asks, glancing around.

“Headed to New York,” I grumble.

“Oh,” she says looking confused. “So are you going now also or…” she asks, trailing off.

“No. I’m not going.”

“Not right now or ever?” Niall questions.


“Are you sure everything’s alright?” Harry asks again and I begin to feel annoyed by all the questioning.

“I’ve never been better. Now isn’t there a party to get to?” I ask, turning and walking away as the others exchange looks amongst themselves. I hear them start following shortly after though and soon we’ve loaded into the cars and are on the way to the venue.

When we get there, it’s already packed and we head in through the back, going straight to the private VIP section. There was no doubt fans would soon find out where we were and try to get inside, but the longer we could go under the radar the better.

Once inside, everyone separates to go talk with friends, family, or other crew members. I make a beeline for the bar, ordering up a drink. I had to be here to be polite. It’d be rude to all the people who helped make our tour happen if I just didn’t come to the celebration. But I really wasn’t feeling it anymore.  Time moves slowly as I sit at the bar, watching everyone socializing.

“Hey,” Michael shouts over the music, appearing next to me. “Where’s Elodie?”

“New York,” I shout back, leaning towards him so he’d be able to hear me.

“And you’re not?” he questions. I shake my head in response.

“No. I’m going to go back to London.”

“What about her?”

“What about her?” I snap back.  “She thinks she doesn’t need friends and family. Fine. Let her be alone.” He holds up his hands in a surrender.

“Ok,” he says. “Sorry mate.” I down the rest of the drink, setting it back on the bar as I stand up. “I think I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell him.

“Our flight is really early,” he says, stopping me in my tracks when I begin to move away. I’d forgotten they were leaving so early. Now I just felt worse about leaving early.

“Have a great flight. It was great getting to know you guys. Glad you came with.” I tell him, giving him a hug.

“You too mate. Thanks for giving us the chance. Talk soon yea?” he replies, patting me on the back.

“Yea, and when you’re back in London to work on your album give us a call and we’ll hang out.” I say as I release him.

“Definitely,” he answers and with that I turn around, finding the other Aussies for a quick goodbye before heading out the back to a waiting car.

The President's Daughter (Liam Payne) Book 6Where stories live. Discover now