Chapter Thirty

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Artemis's POV

    .I stand over Markl, in a darkened room in Mellach's house. As it turns out, it is next door to mine. The others tell me it is probably hopeless, that the boy will probably never wake. But I am not one to take no for an answer. I will spend every last moment of my life digging through magical books if I must to find something to wake him, all healed up.


Howl's POV

    Artemis is spending every last minute of everyday looking for a way to indefinitely save Markl. I try to help her, but I usually end up in the way. It has been weeks since the big battle. She is almost fully healed, but I find it harder and harder to find Markl's pulse everyday.

    "Is she still locked up in my library, alone?" Mellach peaks into the bathroom to ask me.

    I give a silent, solemn nod.

    "Why aren't you helping her?"

    "Two reasons, Mellach," I start. "One, all she will do is yell until she almost drowns herself in the tears of her frustration-"

    "Never saw that girl cry, once in her life until this mess!" I never thought I would see her cry, either.

    "Secondly, my potons are all that keep me from falling apart anymore, myself, if you want the truth of the matter." Confiding in the old man is something I usually would rather not do, either.

    I change the subject by asking, "How are you and Solomon getting along?"

    Mellach blushes and leaves me to my potions. Although he won't admit, the two of them haven't bickered since shortly after Artemis woke after the battle. The two of them often behave as an old married couple . . .  It might not be long before they are one!



Yep, a jump in time for you! Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but there is not much of this fanfic left! I am debating wether or not to do a sequel, so  that I can get around to answering a few more questions and unadressed topics. If you think I should do a sequel, please speak not, or forever hold your peace! I only have a few more chapters coming, and if I don't have a sequel, one of those will wrap up the rest of everybody in the story's life!

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