Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: I know, shortish update, and I haven't updated any of my stories in awhile. I am sorry, but I have been RIDICULOUSLY busy. I was extremely sick early last week and had overnight Forensics state finals and everything after that, which by the way, I was still sick during. I am still extrememely busy, but updates, anyways! Enjoy!


Artemis's POV

    "How did you know Mellach?" I ask Howl. It is the same question he had asked me, but at least I had lived with the man for a time, instead of giving someone black market herbs. And he though I hadn't caught onto those . . . I know they are what gives me artificial energy. I know because I used them the entire time I lived with Mellach.

    "He . . . he was the one who left me alone in the clearing as a child, when I took on Calcifer on as my demon and gained my powers." Howl stammers throughout the entire explanation.

    "Was he your . . . father?" I feel guilty, even asking the question.

    With a solemn nod, Howl explains. "My mother was a random woman who had wanted something from him. According to Mellach, my father," Howl presses forth, looking more and more uncomfortable. "She wanted to learn how to catch a demon. She had no money. Nothing to pay him with. SO you can guess what he chose as his price . . ." Howl trails off, a distant look in his eyes to match his dazed expression.

    "Howl, I am so, so sorry-"

     "Don't, Artemis. It is not like you were my accidental creator. Well, my turn for a question now!" I nod, understanding. "Was Mellach a half decent father to you?"

    The question catches me off gaurd. "Um . . . he was more of a drill sargeant than anything else, if you want complete honesty. I think the only reason he trained me for as long as he did was because he found me to look small, weak and pathetic before. He probably figured that with as fast as I learned, he could get me to do his bidding."

    Howl's eyebrows shoot up and knit together, and I realise how he took what I said. 

    "I mean like steal from the rich, poison his arch enemy. You know, that kind of thing." Howl literally sighs in releif.

    A low roll of thunder sounds, like deep, booming bass drum, with the large mallets beating across the skin, rata-tat-tatta-tat-tum!

    "We better head back. I have a feeling this is going to be a bad storm," Howl grimaces. He reaches out a hand to pull me to my feet. But before I feel grasp his fingers, lighting cracks across the sky. 

    "Indeed it will!" A man wearing a peculiar mask shouts directly behind Howl. 

    Before I have time to think, or Howl the time to react, I pull a dagger from the top of my right boot. I fling it at the man, and it peirces his throat, just below the strange, jagged edged black mask. A thin red line appears, as the dagger falls, and the man hits the ground as lighting again streaks across the sky.

     "They're here," Howl nearly whimpers under his breath, as mor of these masked men leap from above, coming from airships. They instantly surround us.

HowlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ