Chapter Seventeen

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Howl's POV

    "Okay, can we just practice something else?" Artemis begs.

    "Fine, but only because you blew up the remainder my supplies."

    I try not to grin as she bounds down the stairs from the bathroom, leaving the multi colored bathtub for me to deal with. If that is how she wants to play then . . .


    "Okay, next time, you get to clean the tub," I declare, as I make my way down the stairs. "Markl, what is that smell?" A sweet aroma wafts past me, and my stomach rumbles, against my will.

    "Artemis made dinner. Almost enough food to feed an army-" I stride past the boy before he can finish his sentence.

    "Oh, hey Howl," Artemis smiles as she looks over her shoulder to greet me. She laughs as she sees my newly stained white shirt. My favorite, once white, puffy shirt . . . But I can't help but smile when I see all of the delicious looking foods spread around the foyer, many organized on the table.

    "What were you trying to do? Feed an army?"

    "Well, technically, you and I are part of an army. And don' worry, it is better than the omelett!" Artemis nods to a cupcake I had picked off the table, subconciously. I cringe, as I remember the way the omellett had turned out. Though, it was better than the potions lesson today.

    "So, what are our plans, Master Howl?" Artemis asks as Markl joins us at the table.

    "I don't know, but tomorrow we need to cover both spells and potions."

    Artemis sighs, and Markl snickers as he passes up everything from the curry, chicken cutlets, fried pork, and the salmon and potatoes he hates so very much, instead selecting a chocolate chip cookie the size of his face.

    "We also need to figure out what to do with all of this food before it spoils," I continue, snatching the cookie from Markl and stuffing a chunk into my mouth.

    "I thought we could give some of it to the hoomeless people throught the nearest parts of this vast kingdom," Artemis snatches the remainder of the cookie from me. "Healthy food first, boys."

    "We don't want to be like rabbits!" Markl and I just happen to splutter at the same time, as Artemis loads a salad ont plates for each of us. The salad covered in cucumbers and carrots, to even kiwi and starfruit. What kind of salad was this?

    "Well, too bad. There is another treat after supper!"

HowlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang