Chapter Twenty Five

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Howl's POV

    A turn and pull Artemis into a hug. With the number of masked men coming at us, this is most likely the end. I thought I would have three days to prepare with Artemis. My dream with Solomon was inaccurate, after all.

    Artemis knows this is the war we have been waiting for. She desperately presses her lips against mine. Need I say it to her? Should I tell her those three words? The simple phrase that I never thought I could honestly use, after Sophie's death . . . 

    Snap out of it, Howl! I need to get to work defending her. I will lose her, just like I lost Sophie and everyone else I have loved, save for Markl. Markl, whom is all alone at my castle, not knowing what is going on . . . At least Calcifer is with him.

    I break away from Artemis, knowing that we need to jump into action. It is now or never!

    I take the dagger from my back pocket, the one that Artemis used when she tried to revive Sophie. I have been holding on to it for awhile now. She didn't seem to worried about getting it back, so I am glad to have it now.

    Take the decorated handle in my palm, and twirl the blade into the flesh at my shoulder. I drage the point into an estimated outline of a crudely shaped octogon. I add several dots and spirals. I whistle, then toss the dagger to Artemis. She catches it in her outstretched hands and puts it to immediate use.

    I feel the blood beginning to drip from my shoulder, so I quickly raise my left arm, ignoring the sting. I point my palm at the nearest fiends, and sparks shoot fly. The sparks from my palm knock the closest of my approaching enemies on his rear. I repeat this, until the rune wears off. I have knocked many people out, if not killed them.

    When I turn around, Artemis is putting the blade to work slashing throats, while using her other hand to throw punches. I start to follow her lead in the more physical combat.

    While I attempt to fight  my way through the enemy troops, I mutter incantations under my breath.

    I turn to Artemis after awhile, and I see that she has collapsed in a heap, breathing deeply. She is surrounded, like myself. I think that we have been defeated- There are far too many airships dropping enemy soldiers from the sky upon us. 

    I pull Artemis into my arms to prepare for the end.

    "Howl? Boy, what are you doing?!" Oh no, it couldn't be her . . . Why would she show up now?! But maybe she will-

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