Chapter Thirty Three

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Artemis's POV

    I leave early enough that I run under the cover of the dark, fading night sky. I meet my guide in the forests outskirting the small town that Howl works as Mr. Jenkins in. My guide is slight, cloaked in black, loose clothing. I have not yet heard their voice, as we have been corresponding by letter. 

    With a quick flick of their wrist, my guide gestures me to follow them. We travel for hours, and the sun is halfway across the sky by the time we take a break to eat and rest. We each eat an apple and share cheese and fresh from that morning bread, baked in the small village, smelling of the fish that was certainly in a stand near it.

    We pick up and travel again. We travel until night falls, and then we take a sheet from my pack, and my guide uses rope to help me tie it to several trees. It gives us cover from rain if it storms, but a clear, moon lit night makes me doubt the need for it. Better safe than sorry . . . .

    "So, do you ever speak?" I look at my guide, wondering about the face behind the black mask. Something seems so familiar about those pale blue, sharp eyes that seem to peirce me with their gaze.

    My guide merely cocks their head. But  something is all too familiar in the why my guide shrugs his shoulders and slumps to the ground and breaks bread again. He is both lean and tall- and then I see it. His shiny hair comes loose on the right side of his face.

    "Howl!!!!" I can't believe Howl is my guide . . . that he acted so well and I fell for it. How did I not realise sooner?! "You weren't supposed to be with me!"

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