Chapter Twenty

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Artemis's POV

    When I rise from the velvet covered matress, I am startled to find that Solomon is leaning over me. I try to keep the startled expression off of my face, but I know that I fail drastically.

    "Surprised, my dear?" I nod at Solomon, before Howl rushes to my side and clasps my hands in his own.

    "Leave her alone," Howl tries to defend me.

    "Go on wizard. I think the girls need to have a little talk. Girl to girl!" Howl pleads with Solomon with his eyes, but turns and leaves in the end. "I trust that you are teaching him runes by now? If not-"

    "That was actually what happened right before I collapsed."

    "Good, because his life depends on it. So does your freedom."


    "You better be ready to take those vows pretty soon. Howl! Come back here! We are done!"


    "Why are you so pale?" Markl asks.

    "What do you mean? I am always this pale," I reply, puzzled.

    "He means that you look ill," Howl struts in.

     "Oh, thanks for the clarification," I retort, only half sarcastically.

    "Speaking of which, why do you look so ill?"

    "Oh, no reason. Just that Solomon won't stop reminding me of the vows to the king that I have to make soon. I have been feeling so . . . so drained," my legs wobble and I feel faint again. Howl rushes forward, catching me, gracefully. He helps me to get situated in a wooden chair by Calcifer's fire place.

    "Get some rest," Howl presses his lips to my forehead, a fingertip to my temple, and the world fades to black after this, as if the wizard put me under a sleeping spell . . .

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