Chapter Twenty Three

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Howl's POV

    In my dreams, Solomon has reached me. The one place I had felt safe, away form the cursed woman, was with Artemis and Markl in my moving castle. Now, even that has been taken from me.

    "Even if you and Artemis aren't ready, it is time. The war is being brought to you in three day's time." Solomon's words chill me. Even though this message is delivered to me in my dreams, I know it is the truth.

    "But, why us? Can nothing be done?!" I try to plead, but awaken with a start.

     "Howl? Howl, are you alright?" Artemis stands over me, her hands on my shoulders. She shakes me slightly, gently. "You were screaming . . . "

    I rub my eyes before asking, "Was I really? How embarrassing," but I know there is no hint of embarassment showing in my tone.

    "Why are you acting so strange?" she presses me forth.

    "I will explain later, but for now," I proclaim, "It is time for breakfast!" I shove forward onto my feet. The least I can do is try to make these last few days the best!


     I work with Artemis for the rest of the day, giving her tea with the black market herbs Mellach had given me. Only with these herbs are we able to train so well. Why has she not grown suspicious of why her abilities are not draining her of energy, though?

    When I finally take Artemis on the picnic I had before promised, I make Markl stay home. He is highly disapponted, and does not bother to hide it at all, but this will not be a completely pleasant experience. I do, however, feel ever so slightly guilty, nonetheless.

    I lead Artemis through the castle, until we reach the front door, where I tuurn our colored circle to one of my locations. I turn to one I specifally had selected for such outings as this one.

    Artemis gasps when I lead her out the door, overwhelmed with the smell of spring, with new rain. We walk through endless green fields, surrounded ny wild flowers of every color, ranging from deep violets, to that of marigolds.

    When we finally sit, I procure fish sanwiches from my deep jacket pockets. Instead of sitting on a traditional picnic blanket, we half lay, half sit in the tall grass, as it wavers slightly in the light summer breezes that do not match the scent of the spring air.

    We eat in a pleasant, comfortable silence, until I set down my sandwich and adress what has been weighing on my mind. "I know you want answers."

     "Will you really answer all of my questions?" Artemis sounds so sweet, curious, innocent.

    I brush one of the long strands of lose, slightly curled brown hairs behind her ear, as so that it stops wipping into her face in the wind. "I will, if you answer all of mine."

    "Fine. Do you want to ask first?"

    "Yes." I jump into one of my biggest questions, first. "How did you know Mellach? Why-"

    "I stayed with him for awhile when I was younger. He taught me to be stealthy, lithe. Quick and quiet. He also taught me to dress for conveniance and comfort, when possible, instead of for looks and affordability and impressiveness like the other girls my age. Apparently, Mellach once loved my mother."

    "Why did he teach you all that? He always has a price-"

     "It is my turn, Howl."

HowlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora