Chapter 26: S̤̠̯͟è̪̘͉̘̦c̻͉r̩͓͎̞̞e̻͍ts̗͔̝̤̜͚

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Snart watched as he led Audrey into the next room, away from both Mardon and Mick. He closed the door behind them, Audrey grew suspicious but Snart said he wanted to talk somewhere more private.

"So?" Audrey asked as she walked further into the room "What else did you have to tell me?"

Snart smirked as he walked over, taking a seat on a chair that was in the room while patting another seat beside him for Audrey to sit down.

She hesitated but walked over to him after a second, taking a seat beside him and he began to speak.

"So- You know Barry.."

Audrey was quickly caught off guard. How could he possibly know Barry? What else did he know?

"He works at CCPD-"

"We both know that's not what I'm talking about" Snart interrupted.

What did he know?

Snart watched her reaction as he spoke, he knew he struck a nerve.

"I know he's The Flash and I know you do too-" He explained "Like I said kid, he's full of secrets."

Audrey didn't know what to say. Why wait until now to tell her? She wondered what else Barry didn't tell her.

"Do they know?" She asked, referring to Mardon and Mick but, Snart shook his head.

"No, I promised I'd keep his identity a secret and I keep my word" He replied "But it seems as if Barry doesn't tell you as much as he told me."

"Then tell me, what else did he forget to mention?"

Snart turned his attention to her, thinking to himself. What could he actually share that wouldn't incriminate himself in the process?

"Well that depends, how much time you got?" He joked but Audrey remained serious "I wanna know."

Snart nodded, if he wanted her trust, this was the best time to gain it.

"To start, Barry's foster father; Detective Joe West killed Mardon's brother" He explained.

Audrey paused as she listened, she didn't know what to say.

"So that's why Mardon hates them so much."

Snart shrugged, there were so many more reasons besides that one alone.

"I assume that would be a big part of it-"

"What else? I know there's more" Audrey interrupted but Snart smirked "So eager- and curious too I see" He replied.

"Fine, Barry asked for my help on some jobs time after time, he and his friends run their own Meta prison at Star Labs.."

"Yeah I know a little of that, Barry had Mardon locked up in there when I first met him" Audrey replied but Snart wasn't done talking.

"They would've put you in thee too if you'd chosen not to cooperate- Even if you were just a small time thief."

"Barry wouldn't do that-"

"Well it sounds like you don't know him as well as you once thought" Snart interrupted "Face it, you're not your kind of crowd anyways.."

Audrey turned away, she didn't want to listen to his mind games even if he was right.

"Let me guess, you're not the hero type?" Snart asked "Every man for themselves?"

She continued to ignore him, refusing to accept the things he was saying.

"What?" Snart asked "Is it bothering you that I'm right?"

"You don't know anything about me" Audrey muttered but Snart just smirked at her reply,

"Oh I know enough, how about we make a deal?" He asked "Give us a chance to show you the ropes around here- promise to behave and I'll even take the Meta cuffs off"

Audrey hesitated, she debated whether it would be smart to trust someone like Snart, a criminal and a murderer. But what if he could help her?

"Don't you want your powers back?"

"Why? So you can use me again?" She asked but he shook his head.

Snart placed a hand on her shoulder carefully before turning her towards him.

"You are very important to my plans yes but, we can all help each other here, more than The Flash ever could."

Audrey stayed quiet, hesitating to answer. Anything he said could be a lie for all she knew.

"How can I trust you?" She muttered.

Snart glanced at her cuffs before taking a small remote out of his pocket, he pressed a button on it and watched as the cuffs lit up before unlocking.

"How about this to start?"

Audrey looked down at her wrists, finally being able to feel her powers once again. Snart knew this was a risky move but he had to try it.

Audrey returned her gaze to Snart as he watched her, waiting for a response. Could she actually trust him? Could he actually help her?

If what Snart said was true, maybe she could give them a chance. Maybe Snart was right.

 Maybe Snart was right

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"I'm in.."

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