Chapter 6: Te̢͚s͍͕̘̜ͅt̺͉s

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Later that day at Star Labs, Caitlin decided to do some tests on Audrey while Barry and Cisco talked in the cortex. Although they seemed to be getting along with the newcomer Meta, Cisco still held some doubting thoughts.

"Are you sure you can trust her?" Cisco whispered to Barry as they watched Caitlin run some tests in the next room. Barry glanced at Cisco before returning his attention to them "she has good in her, she just needs someone to guide her towards the right path.."

"And what if she turns on us, or becomes one of those evil Metas? Like Snart, who knows how many other banks in she city she could've robbed" Cisco argued but Barry shook his head "give her a chance and you'll see" he replied.

This time Cisco shook his head "She's basically a walking virus surrounding by our advanced tech in Star Labs, we can't afford any accidents or worse" "Instead of being so quick to judge, we could try to get to know her and her powers, and try to help" Barry argued back.

Before either of the two could continue to argue anymore, Caitlin walked into the room with an annoyed look on her face, quickly grabbing their attention.

"You know we can hear you, right?" She remarked.

Both Barry and Cisco shared a slightly embarrassed look, knowing Caitlin wasn't going to let this one go.

"Sorry" Cisco hesitated.

Caitlin shook her head at the two "Instead of gossiping about the poor girl, why don't you just go talk to her.. She's actually very sweet."

"Caitlin's right" Barry nodded "when am I ever not?" she broke a smile but the boys knew they were still in hot water with this one "don't worry, we'll talk to her but until then, did you get the results?"

She nodded at his question as she walked over to the computer, pulling up the lab results for Audrey.

"It looks like her DNA had a genetic makeover when she got affected from the particle accelerator explosion.. It's like her genetic makeup is made out of code" Caitlin explained as she showed Barry and Cisco an example of it on the screen "That could explain why she can control the technology around her, her DNA is basically acting as a motherboard to any electronics around her" Cisco added but stopped quickly "Motherboard-" "Really? Now?"

Caitlin gave him another one of her looks, causing Cisco to groan in reply "Alright fine, I'll add it to my list."

"So do you know if she's stable, or is in control of her abilities?" Barry asked but Caitlin shrugged "until I see her in action, I can't say for sure" she replied.

"Then I guess we know what we'll be doing next.. Let's put her to the test" "I thought you were worried about your tech being damaged?" Barry asked Cisco but he shrugged "Well now this is for science.. And besides, you'll be the one to test out her powers anyways, Flash."

Barry gave him a look similar to Caitlin's "why is it always on me to be the test dummy?"

"Well maybe because you have fast healing and we don't" Cisco smirked "and besides, it'll be more fun.. For me."

Barry rolled his eyes. Who knows what Cisco has in store, especially when it comes to training.

"Fine, but you're taking a turn too."

Cisco scoffed, shaking his head quickly "yeah right, I don't want my vibe tech getting fried" "It's for science, remember?" Barry smirked in reply. Cisco was going to regret suggesting this.

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