Chapter 9: Ṯ̬̝r̵̥͚̦͎͔̭̬o͈ù̹̙͚̱̠̰̩b̡̞͕̣le͉̳̝

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As the night went on, Barry had finally gotten Joe to ease up with all of the questions he was just dying to ask Audrey. And after a while, Barry and Joe were back to socializing with the others. Everything was going good.

"I'm telling you Barry, The Last Jedi was way better than The Force Awakens" Cisco said to Barry. At the moment the two were having a heated discussion about Star Wars out of all things while Joe and the others watched. Caitlin shook her head as Joe poured himself another drink. Audrey could tell this was a normal thing for them.

"No way dude, The Last Jedi felt like a cheap fanfiction between Kylo and Rey" Barry argued, earning a glare from Cisco "are you serious?" "Are you?" Barry asked him in reply.

"Boys, boys-" Caitlin interrupted "I think that's enough for now."

Joe raised his glass "yes please" he added "I'd rather listen to you guys talk about your science stuff than this."

Caitlin smiled a bit as Iris chuckled quietly, both agreeing with him.

Cisco rubbed his temples as Barry rolled his eyes a bit, both having more to argue about but for the time being, pushed it aside.

"Alright fine, what else would you like to talk about then?" Cisco asked them but Caitlin shrugged "anything but Star Wars please" she smirked.

"Fine, how about we go back to talking about science stuff?"

"I'm gonna need another drink then.." Joe muttered as he walked back to the kitchen.

Iris rolled her eyes in a playful manner "how about instead, we talk to our new friend in the room" she suggested while turning her attention to Audrey. Everyone did the same, looking to her as she sat in the back of the room near the window, they'd almost forgotten she was there.

"I for one would like to know more about you-" "Same here" Joe nodded as he walked back into the room with another drink, sitting down beside Iris.

Audrey hesitated, the anxiety of having so many eyes on her all at once was rising "what would you like to know?" She asked them knowing they wouldn't drop this so easily.

"Well maybe for starters, what are your interests?" Iris asked, starting with something to break the ice.

Audrey shrugged a bit "I like music; rock music" she replied, capturing Cisco's attention "favorite bands?" "Paramore, Panic at the Disco, Portugal The Man" she replied earning a small chuckle from him "all P's, nice taste."

"Ok my turn, favorite movies?" Cisco asked again.

"Scream, Final Destination, Paranormal Activity" Audrey replied "horror kinda girl, I dig it" he chuckled more.

Iris rolled her eyes at him "anymore questions besides music and movies?"

Cisco shrugged but Joe had a few questions of his own "what about your family? Do they know where you are, or that you're a Meta?"

Audrey hesitated to reply to his questions causing Joe's original suspicions to rise once more.

"Well?" He asked.

"No, they don't know.."

"And why not?" Joe asked "if my kid was out there on the streets doing who knows what, I'd want to know they were safe no matter what-"

Iris quickly interrupted, feeling the tension growing in the room "alright, maybe that's enough questions for now.. Right Dad?"

Joe sighed a bit in frustration but nodded in reply.

Before anyone else could say anything, an alarm sounded on Cisco's phone drawing everyone's attentions to it.

"What is it Cisco?" Iris asked quickly.

Cisco jumped up as he looked at his phone, grabbing his coat quickly "Meta attack downtown- and get this, a severe rain storm just picked up around the area" "You think it's Weather Wizard?" Barry asked getting a nod from Cisco "we need to go, like now" he replied quickly.

"Need our help for this one?" Cisco asked Barry while pointing to Caitlin and himself but Barry shook his head "no, I should be able to handle this on my own-" "Are you sure Barry? You're going to need help especially with Weather Wizard" Cisco insisted but Barry shook his head again "I've dealt with him plenty of times before, which is why I need you guys back at Star Labs to help me there.."

"Besides, I wont be alone- right Audrey?"


Both Audrey and Cisco asked simultaneously but Barry gace a confident smile and nodded in reply "I could use the extra help while you guys are back at Star Labs, plus it could be an opportunity to help her use her powers in action" he added but Audrey was hesitant.

"What do you say? Wanna help?"

She hesitated more but she knew there wasn't much time to dwell on it.

"Ok" Audrey replied, giving him a small nod "I'll help.."

Just A Glitch || The Flashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें